The Journal of San Diego History
Winter 1985, Volume 31, Number 1
Thomas L. Scharf, Editor
Raymond Starr, Book Review Editor
Yaqui Resistance and Survival: The Struggle for Land and Autonomy, 1821-1910. By Evelyn Hu-DeHart. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 1984. Preface. Introduction. Maps. Bibliography. Index.
Yaqui Indian reaction – resistance as well as accommodation – to modernization in 19th century Mexico is expertly chronicled in this fine book by Professor Hu-DeHart. Events are considered in the context of Sonoran and national political change and economic development, while the entire story (a historical saga) is bracketed between enlightened summaries of Yaqui struggles during the colonial period and after the Revolution of 1910 on to contemporary times. The author’s sympathies lie with the natives, but a thorough combing of archival and secondary sources, combined with meaningful analysis, has produced a balanced, scholarly account, in many ways a model of its kind.