The Journal of San Diego History
Spring 1986, Volume 32, Number 2
Thomas L. Scharf, Editor

Book Notes

Scholars and the Indian Experience: Critical Reviews of Recent Writing in the Social Sciences

Edited by W.R. Swagerty. Bloomington: Indiana University Press for the D’Arcy McNickle Center for the History of the American Indian, Newberry Library, 1984. Bibliographies. Index. 268 Pages. $22.50 cloth. $9.95 Paper.

Scholars and the Indian Experience contains ten articles in which major scholars of the Indian experience summarize and evaluate the scholarly literature on their particular topic. The topics range widely – tribal histories, fur trade, federal Indian policy, prehistory, population decline and recovery, and others. While none of the articles deals specifically with San Diego Indian history, all are useful for understanding the broader context of the local experience. One article, W.R. Swagerty, “Spanish-Indian Relations, 1513-1821” is especially pertinent to the San Diego experience. The 237 item bibliography included with the article further enhances its usefulness for a San Diego area historian.