The Journal of San Diego History
Winter 1988, Volume 34, Number 1
Thomas L. Scharf, Editor

Book Notes

Raymond Starr, Book Review Editor

Cabrillo National Monument Oral History Program.

San Diego: Cabrillo Historical Association, 1986. 363 Pages. Price Unavailable.

The Cabrillo National Monument has been a part of the San Diego scene for over seventy years. As the Monument approaches its 75th anniversary, several projects are underway to record its history: an administrative history is in progress, a history of the Cabrillo Historical Association has been written, and a large oral history project was begun. That oral history project has been completed and transcripts of the interviews have now been made available. The project consisted of interviews with fourteen people and was directed by Pamela Morton under the overall supervision of Howard Overton. The transcripts of the interviews come to over 300 pages of typed material and cover many phases of the Monument, the National Park Service, and San Diego history in general. The interviewees include well known names such as former superintendents Don Robinson, Tom Tucker and Doris Omundson; political leaders like Frank Curran and Bob Wilson; and many perhaps less well known names of people who were crucial to the evolution of the Cabrillo National Monument. Copies of this excellent source document have been given to the San Diego History Center, Special Collections Library of San Diego State University, and the California Room of the San Diego Public Library, where the book can be consulted by researchers.