The Journal of San Diego History
Winter 1988, Volume 34, Number 1
Thomas L. Scharf, Editor

Book Notes

Raymond Starr, Book Review Editor

Santa Ysabel Ethnobotany

By Ken Hedges. San Diego: San Diego Museum of Man Ethnic Technology Notes No 20, 1986. Map. Illustrations. Appendix. Index. 58 Pages. $5.95 Paperback.

Ken Hedges, curator at the Museum of Man, has just published Santa Ysabel Ethnobotany, which was based on field work on the Santa Ysabel Reservation and the contributions of three native plant experts. In the publication, Hedges describes the natural habitat of the region, terminology, the acorn process and basket making, in order to set the stage for the essence of the booklet. That is the listing of 77 native plants, their scientific and popular names, their use by the Indians, and illustrations of the plants. There is also an appendix which cross references Diegueño uses of the plants with the uses of Cahuilla, Cupeño, Kumeyaay and Luiseño cultures and a bibliography of references used in the book. Santa Ysabel Ethnobotany will appeal to people interested in local Indian culture as well as to those interested in native plants and their uses.