The Journal of San Diego History
Fall 1989, Volume 35, Number 4
Thomas L. Scharf, Editor

Book Notes

Raymond Starr, Book Review Editor

Our Home Forever: The Hupa Indians of Northern California.

By Byron Nelson, Jr. Reprint Edition, Salt Lake City: Howe Brothers, 1988. Maps. Illustrations. Photographs. Bibliography. Appendices. 224 Pages $9.95 Paperback.

Our Home Forever was originally published in 1978 by the Hupa Indians for distribution on their own reservation. The Howe Brothers publishers have now made it available to a wider audience. It is a well researched, well written and well produced acount of the Hupa, a fairly small but very strong Indian group from the Trinity River valley in Northern California. The story told covers a description of the Hupa and their culture, the usual unfortunate Indian-White conflicts of the nineteenth century, the establishment of a reservation, and the considerable success the Hupa have had in maintaining their charmingly presented book which gives the reader a chance to read about Indians from their point of view.