The Journal of San Diego History
Spring 1991, Volume 37, Number 2
Richard W. Crawford, Editor
Book Notes
Reviewed by Raymond Starr, San Diego State University
Historical Archaeology and Museum Interpretation: An Exemplary Course.
By David G. Orr. Wilmington: Hagley Museum and Library, 1989. 24 pages.
This very short pamphlet provides an excellent syllabus for a college level course on historical archaeology and museum interpretation. Since it is highly unlikely that any readers of the Journal of San Diego History would teach such a course, why mention it here? It is worth mentioning because the little booklet contains a number of insights useful to the small historical society or museum who wants to utilize the findings of historical archaeology into its museum–but which cannot afford the professional consultant or professionally trained staff. All San Diego area historical societies and small museums ought to obtain a copy of this pamphlet from the Hagley Museum and Library, Post Office Box 3630, Wilmington, DE 19807.