The Journal of San Diego History
Winter 1996, Volume 42, Number 1
Richard W. Crawford, Editor

Book Notes

Stephen A. Colston, Book Review Editor

Index to the Memoirs of Ed Fletcher. 

Compiled by Joseph Arambarri. San Diego: San Diego Historical Society, 1996. 59 pages. $3.00 (paper).

Through his acquisition of real estate and control of water resources, Ed Fletcher (1872-1955) became a major force shaping San Diego’s development during the first half of the present century. Fletcher’s influences on this community’s growth was expanded through his public service as a three-time California State Senator.

Since their publication in 1952, Fletcher’s Memoirs (1952) have served readers not only as a chronicle of the life of an extraordinary man but as an important primary historical document about San Diego’s past. This publication was, however, noticeably flawed by the absence of a topical index. This deficiency has now been remedied by the appearance of an index compiled by Joseph Arambarri whose work was augmented by Philip M. Klauber’s contributions. The Index, which includes more than two thousand entries, significantly enhances the research value of Fletcher’s Memoirs and must be considered as an essential acquisition by any individual or institution possessing a copy of the latter publication.