This index was compiled by Richard W. Crawford, former editor of the Journal of San Diego History and Archives Director of the San Diego History Center from 1990 to 1999.
All issues of the Journal of San Diego History are available for use in our Research Archives.
Most Journal back-issues and reprints are still available for purchase from our store.
Diacritics (accent marks) have been removed to allow easy searching.
A Land in Motion: California’s San Andreas Fault, by Michael Collier, noted, 46:232
Ace Hillcrest Hardware, 46:182
Alatorre, Chole, 46:82
Allen, Mark, book review by, 46:54-55
Allmendinger, Blake, book co-edited by, noted, 46:137-138
American Legion, 46:72
American Indians and National Park, by Robert H. Keller and Michael F. Turek, noted, 46:231
American Museum of Natural History, 46:42
An Account of the Voyage of Juan Rodriguez Cabrillo, by James D. Nauman, reviewed, 46:55-58
An Uncommon Mission: Father Tupa Paints the California Missions, by Holly Witchey, noted, 46:232
The Ancestral, by Carol Clark Cunningham, noted 46:231
Associated Farmers of California, 46:73
Atkinson, D. Scott, book co-authored by, noted, 46:233
The Atlas of North American Exploration From the Norse Voyages to the Race to the Pole, by William H. Goetzmann and Glyndwr Williams, noted, 46:64
Atristain, Miguel, 46:124
Averette, Walter, 46:92
Aztec Transportation, 46:102
Bagley, Will, book by, reviewed, 46:211-212
Bahia Magdalena, 46:37
Bakken, Gordon Morris, book review by, 46:131-132
Balboa Park: A Millennium History, by Roger M., Showley, reviewed, 46:219-220
Ballast Point, 46:122
Bangs, Outram, 46:41
Banner, Jackie, 46:102
Barr, Earl S., 46:70
Barthel, Diane, 46:24
Bay View Tannery, 46:36
Baynard, Norman, 46:92
Beverly Wilshire Hotel, 46:8
Bevil, Alexander D., book reviews by, 46:209-211, 46:226-228
Bishop, Harry, 46:92
Blessed Sacrament Church, 46:70
J. Peter Block Companies, 46:23
Bloom, John Porter, book edited by, noted, 46:138-139
Bokovoy, Matthew F., book review by, 46:220-223
Booth, Larry, 46:92
Boundary Joint Commission, 46:122
The Brass Rail (bar), 46:156
Bridges, Harry, 46:76
Brooklyn Institute of Arts and Sciences, 46:45
Brown, Wilmot W., 46:41
Brunswig Drug Co., fire, 46:111
Burbank, John S., 46:70
Burnett Furniture Co., 46:102, 46:103, 46:181
Burns, Spade, 46:109
Bush, Sara E., book co-authored by, noted, 46:233
Calderhead, Leo, 46:108
Calderon, John B., 46:78
Calexico, 46:38
The California Cauldron: Immigration and the Fortunes of Local Communities, by William A. V. Clark, noted, 46:60-61
California Cavaliers, 46:72
California Tower, 46:3
California Un-American Activities Committee, 46:76, 79
Calles, Plutarco, 46:74
Calmalli, Mexico, 46:38
Cantu, Estaban, 46:39, 40
“Captain Edward William Funcke: Hunting in Baja California for a Living,” by Eric Mellink, 46:35-51
Cardenas, Lazaro, 46:75
Carrillo, Leo, 46:78
Casa de Balboa, 46:185
Castillo, Richard del, article co-authored by, 46:68-88
Cerullo, Rev. Morris, 46:23
Chaput, Donald, book by, reviewed, 46:226-228
Chicano Politics and Society in the Late Twentieth Century, edited by David Montejano, noted, 46:60-61
Chudacoff, Howard P., 46:4, 11
Ciani, Kyle, E., article co-authored by, 46:3-33
Cilch, Kenneth R. and Kenneth R. Cilch, Jr., book by, reviewed, 46:209-211
City Guard Band, 46:95
Civic Improvement Committee, 46:5
Civic Theatre, 46:22
Civil War Veterans of San Diego, CA, by Barbara Palmer, reviewed, 46:58-59
Clark, William A. V., book by, noted, 46:60-61
Clausen, Alexa, book review by, 46:58-59
Cleona Apartments, 46:175
The Club (bar), 46:156
Cocopa Indians, 46:45
Cohn-Hopkins Inc., 46:115
Collier, Michael, book by, noted, 46:232
Colorado River Land Company, 46:38, 40
Colston, Steven, book review by, 46:55-58
Conde, General Pedro Garcia, 46:122
Confessions of a Kinetic Congressman, by Bob Wilson with Larry Bischof and William Brian Lowry, noted, 46:61-62
Convair, 46:22
Cooperativa Mexicana Inc., 46:97
Corona, Bert, 46:76, 79, 82
Corso, Anthony W., 46:22
Cortez Hill, 46:3
Coughlin, Father Charles Edward, 46:71
Couto, Bernardo, 46:124
Covington, Donald Patrick, video review by, 46:130-131
Covington, Majorie, 46:117
Coward, John M., book by, noted, 46:236
Crandall, Fred, 46:70
Creole Palace, 46:95
Cuevas, Luis G., 46:124
Cummings, Frank Jr., 46:9
Cunningham, Carol Clark, book by, noted. 46:231
Cuyamaca, (ship), 46:105
D. and M. Tile Company, 46:186
Charles Dail Community Concourse, 46:22
Dail, Mayor Charles, 46:19
Day, Anita, 46:117
De Graaf, Lawrence B., book review by, 46:223-225
DeBuys, William, book by, reviewed, 46:213-215
Dillinger, Michael E., article by, 46:144-163
Documenting Everyday Life in Early Spanish California: The Santa Barbara Presidio Memorias y facturas, 1779-1810, edited by Giorgio Perissinotto, noted, 46:62
Duvall, Iris, 46:102
Eberts, Mike, book by, noted, 46:63
Echeverria, Jeronima, book co-edited by, noted, 46:138
Echoes From Lane Field: A History of the San Diego Padres, 1926-1957, by Bill Swank, reviewed, 46:225-226
Eddie’s Bar, 46:93
Egrets, 46:42-43
Egyptian Court Apartments, 46:175
Eisen, Percy, 46:5, 26
El Cortez Company, 46:14, 17
El Cortez Hotel, article about, 46:3-33
El Patio Apartments, 46:175
Elevator Electric Inc., 46:21
Elliot Arms Apartments, 46:5
Ellis, Frank G., 46:73
Elm, Ralph, 46:179
Empire of Sand: The Seri Indians and the Struggle for Spanish Sonora, 1645-1803, edited by Thomas E. Sheridan, noted, 46:136
Encinitas: History and Heritage, by Mac Hartley, reviewed, 46:217-219
Erickson, Jimmy, 46:92
Etulain, Richard W., book co-edited by, noted, 46:138
Evans, H. W., 46:73
Federal Landscape: An Economic History of the 20th Century West, by Gerald D. Nash, reviewed, 46:132-134
Fifth Avenue Auto Wash, 46:169
Fitch, Herbert, 46:92
The Flame (bar), 46:185
Florence Elementary School, 46:148, 166
Floyd, Richard A., 46:74
Fox Theatre, 46:5, 10
Fox Egyptian Theatre, 46:178
Frazer, M. Abbott, 46:41
Freshour, Patrolman, 46:109
“From Spanish Romance to Neon Confidence and Demolition Fear: The Twentieth Century Life of the El Cortez Hotel,” by Kyle E. Ciani and Cynthia Malinick, 46:3-33
Frontier Children, by Linda Peavy and Ursula Smith, noted, 46:63
The Fruits of Natural Advantage: Making the Industrial Countryside in California, by Steven Stoll, reviewed, 46:220-223
Funcke, Charles Philipp, 46:35
Funcke, Edward William, article about, 46:34-51
Fundamental Truths: The Architecture of Irving J. Gill, video produced by Barbara Ruland, reviewed, 46:130-131
Galarza, Ernesto, 46:71
Garcia, Mercedes Acasan, 46:72, 76
Gay and Lesbian Times, 46:158
The Gay Center, 46:150, 154, 158
Gay Men’s Choir, 46:158
Gerdes, Marianne, video produced by, reviewed, 46:128-129
Gildred, Philip L., Sr., 46:5
Gildred, Theodore, 46:5
Gilmore’s Bicycle and Toy Store, 46:70
Gladding, McBean, 46:186-187
Goetzmann, William H., book co-authored by, noted, 46:64
Gold Coast Upholstery & Mattress, 46:97
Golden Odyssey: John Stroud Houston, California’s First Controller and the Origins of State Government, by Judson A Grenier, reviewed, 46:131-132
Goldman, Luther J., 46:43
Gomez, Lorraine, 46:102
Goodwin, E. D., 46:70
Grant, A. R., 46:98
Grant, Madison, 46:73
Grant, Ulysses S., Jr., 46:5
Graves, James Harris, book by, noted, 46:231
Gray, Andrew B., 46:122
Gray, E. T., 46:75
Grenier, Judson A., book by, reviewed, 46:131-132
Grey, Zane, 46:39
Griffith Park: A Centennial History, by Mike Eberts, noted, 46:63
Grinnell, Joseph, 46:43
Grosvenor, J. Mark, 46:25
Hale Telescope, 46:114
Hamilton, Alice Victoria, 46:72
Handlery, Harry, 46:17-21, 23
Handlery, Paul, 46:23
Hartley, Mac, book by, reviewed, 46:217-219
Harvey, Coin, 46:73
Hayden, Dolores, 46:24
Heger, Vernon, 46:93
Heller, Matt F., 46:11
Hennessey, Gregg, article by, 46:164-183
Hermandad Mexicana Nacional, 46:79, 82
Hillcrest, article about, 46:144-163; photographic essay, 46:164-183
“Hillcrest: From Haven to Home,” by Michael E. Dillinger, 46:144-163.
History of the Marine Corps Recruit Depot, San Diego, by Marine Corps Recruit Depot Museum Historical Society and Meredith R. Vezina, reviewed, 46:228-230
Home Away from Home: A History of Basque Boardinghouses, by Jeronima Echeverria, noted, 46:137
Home Federal Savings and Loan, 46:23
Hotel Douglas, 46:95
House of Hospitality, 46:187
Howarth, Stephen, book by, noted, 46:64
Humphrey, William E., 46:42
Hunsberger, Arnold, 46:21
Huxtable, Ada Louis, 46:27
Ilarregui, Jose Salazar, 46:122
The Imperial Court, 46:158
Imperial Night-Hawk, 46:73
The Impossible Railroad, video produced by Marianne Gerdes, reviewed, 46:128-129
International Boundary and Water Commission, 46:120
Jackson, Kenneth T., 46:18
Jackson, Parker L., article by, 46:184-191
Jaques, Enriqueta, 46:37
Jessop, Jess, 46:150
Jessops and Sons, 46:116
Johnson, Harry, 46:101
Johnson, Kristin, book edited by, noted, 46:139
Johnson, William Templeton, 46:5
Juan Alvarado: Governor of California, 1836-1842, edited by Robert Ryal Miller, noted, 46:136
Katz, Frederich, book by, noted, 46:62
Keller, Robert H., book co-authored by, noted, 46:231
Kenaston, V. Wayne, 46:70, 73-74, 76-77, 82
Kenaston, V. Wayne, Jr., 46:69
Kennedy, Diane C., book review by, 46:217-219
Kenny, Robert W., 46:76
Kolender, Bill, 46:79
Kornweibel, Theodore, book review by, 46:52-54; video review by, 46:128-129
Krause, Art, 46:109
Krauze, Enrique, 46:74
Ku Klux Klan, article about, 46:68-88
Larralde, Carlos M., article co-authored by, 46:68-88
Larson, Wendell “Vern,” 46:21
Lee, C. T., 46:75
Lemon Grove, 46:73
Lesbian and Gay Historical Society, 46:158
J. W. Lewis & Company, 46:38
The Life and Times of Pancho Villa, by Frederich Katz, 46:62
London, Jack, 46:36
Long’s Cattle Company, 46:35, 38
Lotchin, Roger W., book edited by, reviewed, 46:223-225
Luksic, Jennifer, book co-authored by, noted, 46:233
MacDonald, Bob, 46:27-28
Magon, Flores, 46:40
Malinick, Cynthia, article co-authored by, 46:3-33
Marine Corps Recruit Depot Museum Historical Society, book by, reviewed, 46:228-230
Marston, George, 46:148
Marston Hills, 46:175
Martinez, Roberto, 46:82, 83
Matsumoto, Valerie J., book co-edited by, noted, 46:137-138
May, Von Marie, 46:27; book review by, 46:219-220
McCarthy, Father Thomas J., 46:71
McIntyre, Richard, 46:21
McPherson, Aimee Semple, 46:76
McPherson, Matt, 46:189
McWilliams, Carey, 46:70-73
Mellink, Eric, article by, 46:35-51
Mendenhall, S. E., 46:74
Mesa, Max, 46:19
Metropolitan Community Church, 46:154, 158
Metzger, Tom, 46:79, 82
Mexicali, Mexico, 46:38
Mexican Revolution (1910-1921), 46:40
Michels, Bernie, 46:150, 154, 156, 158
Miller Service, 46:104
Miller, Robert Ryal, book by, noted, 46:136
Mission Industries, 46:101
Mission Memoirs: A Collection of Photographs, Illustrations, and Twentieth-century Reflections on California’s Past, by Terry Ruscin, reviewed, 46:215-217
Mission Valley Shopping Center, 46:156
Montalvo, Carlos, 46:74
Montejano, David, book by, noted, 46:60-61
Montoya, Alfredo, 46:79
Moodie, T. S., 46:73
Moreno, Luisa, 46:71, 75, 78, 79,
Munchtando, Daisy Burns, 46:19
Murphy, Robert Cushman, 46:41
Murphy, R. C., 46:42, 46:45
Museum of Comparative Zoology, 46:41
Najera, Frank, 46:191
Nash, Gerald D., book by, reviewed, 46:132-134
National Park Service, 46:28
Nelson, Edward W., 46:41, 45
The Newspaper Indian: Native American Identity in the Press, by John M. Coward, noted, 46:234
Niswender, Donald J., 46:75
Nolen, John, 46:5
Nunis, Doyce B., book edited by, noted, 46:64-65
O’Brien, Dennis, 46:28
O’Brien, Harry F., 46:28
Osborn, Henry Fairfield, 46:41
Over the Edge: Remapping the American West, edited by Valerie J. Matsumoto and Blake Allmendinger, noted, 46:137-138
Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Co., 46:103
Paderewski, C. J., 46:17, 20-21
Palomar Observatory, 46:114
“The Pantoja Map of 1782 and the Port of San Diego: Some Answers Regarding the International Boundary in the San Diego-Tijuana Region,” by Jorge A. Vargas, 46:119-127
Pantoja y Arriaga, Juan, 46:121
Paonessa, Alfred A., 46:76
The Passing of the White Race, 46:73
Passmore, Lee, 46:92
Patterson, F. E., 46:92
Peavy, Linda, book co-authored by, noted, 46:63
Pelley, William, 46:71
Perissinotto, Giorgio, book edited by, noted, 46:62
“The Persian Water Rug: Balboa Park’s Lost Treasure,” by Parker L. Jackson, 46:184-191
Phillips, J. C., 46:41
“Photograph Essay From ‘All in a Day’s Work’ an Exhibition held at the San Diego Historical Society July 1998-September 1999,” by Greg Williams, 46:91-117
“Photographic Essay of Hillcrest,” by Gregg Hennessey, 46:164-183
Pickwick Hotel, 46:5
Picturing Paradise, by D. Scott Atkinson, Jennifer Luksic, and Sara E. Bush, noted 46:233
Pilling, Majorie, 46:117
Porter, John 46:70
Porter, Slessing & Company, 46:36
Portrait of Basques in the New World, co-edited by Richard W. Etulain, noted, 46:138
Pryde, Philip R., book review by, 46:213-215
Putnam, John, book review by, 46:211-212
Race and Politics: Asian Americans, Latinos, and Whites in a Los Angeles Suburb, by Leland T. Saito, noted, 46:60-61
Saito, Leland T., book by, noted, 46:60-61
Rand, Sally, 46:94
Reichl, Alexander J., 46:23
Reimers, David M., book by, noted, 46:60-61
Requa, Richard S., 46:185
Riddle, Jane, 46:35
Robinson, Richard, 46:14
Robinson, Richard T., Jr., 46:5
Rogers, Michelle, 46:102
Rozelle, Howard W., 46:92
Ruland, Barbara, video produced by, reviewed, 46:130-131
Ruscin, Terry, book by, reviewed, 46:215-217
The St. Francis Dam Disaster Revisited, edited by Doyce B. Nunis, Jr., noted, 46:64-65
St. Joseph’s Hospital, 46:167
Salazar, Jesus, 9746:
Salt Dreams: Land and Water in Low-Down California, by William deBuys, reviewed, 46:213-215
Sample, Edwina B., 46:13, 19
San Diegans Inc., 46:22
San Diego Athletic Club, 46:5
San Diego Chicano Foundation Law and Justice Committee, 46:83
San Diego Electric Railway, 46:169
San Diego Fire Department, aerial truck, 46:107
San Diego Silver Shirts League, 46:74-75
San Diego Son, 46:158
San Diego Stadium, 46:99
San Diego Trust and Savings Bank, 46:4
“San Diego’s Ku Klux Klan, 1920-1980,” by Carlos M. Larralde and Richard del Castillo, 46:68-88
San Ysidro, 46:38
Sandos, James A., book review by, 46:215-217
The Santa Fe (hotel), 46:37
Schneider, Charles, 46:92
Schneider, Roland, 46:92
Schneider, Florence Kemmler, 46:92
Scoundrel’s Tale: The Samuel Brannan Papers, by Will Bagley, reviewed, 46:211-212
Sculpture Conservation Studio, 46:189
Sears Department Store, 46:154
Sensor, Guy, 46:92
Sepulveda, Mrs. Harry B., 46:111
Serafin, David, 46:189
Seymour, Douglas K., 46:82, 83
Sheridan, Thomas E., book by, noted, 46:136
Sherriff, J. A., 46:92
To Shining Sea: A History of the United States Navy, 1775-1998, by Stephen Howarth, noted, 46:64
Showley, Roger M., book by, reviewed, 46:219-220
Shuler, Rev. Bob, 46:76
Sierra de San Pedro Martir, 46:42
Silversher, Commander Herman, 46:15
Simpson, W. J., 46:70
William Simpson Construction Company, 46:8
Singles Club Association, 46:22
Smith, Gerald L. K., 46:71
Smith, Ursula, book co-authored by, noted, 46:63
Soltek Construction Co., 46:189
Son of the South Come West: El Cajon’s First “Mayor,” by James Harris Graves, noted 46:231
Southern Terminals Co., 46:104
Spanish Colonial Revival architecture, 46:8
Stan’s Burger Bar, 46:179
Stardust Hotel, 46:17
State Normal School, 46:169
Stillings, George L., 46:16
Stoll, Steven, book by, reviewed, 46:220-223
Sullivan & Sample, 46:22
Swank, Bill, book by, reviewed, 46:225-226
The Tale of the Nations, 46:73
Tenney, Senator Jack, 46:76, 78
Thayer, John E., 46:41
The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, 1848: Papers of the Sesquicentennial Symposium, edited by John Porter Bloom, noted, 46:138-139
Tobias, Todd, book review by, 46:225-226
Tourist Garage, 46:38
Travolator Motor Hotel, 46:18, 46:21
Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, 46:119-126
Trist, Nicholas P., 46:124
Turek, Michael F., book co-authored by, noted, 46:231
Unwelcome Strangers: American Identity and the Turn Against Immigration, by David M. Reimers, noted, 46:60-61
U.S. National Museum of Natural History, 46:41
U.S.S. Saratoga (CV3): An Illustrated History of the Legendary Aircraft Carrier, 1927-1946, by John Fry, reviewed, 46:54-55
Unfortunate Emigrants: Narratives of the Donner Party, edited by Kristin Johnson, noted, 46:139
Union Title Building, 46:100
Usquiano, Albert, 46:79
Usquiano, Phil, 46:79
Van Norden, Ottomar H., 46:37, 39, 44
Vargas, Jorge A., article by, 46:119-127
Vezina, Meredith R., book by, reviewed, 46:228-230
Virgil Earp: Western Peace Officer, by Donald Chaput, reviewed, 46:226-228
Walker, Albert R., 46:5, 26
The Way We Really Were: The Golden State in the Second Great War, edited by Roger W. Lotchin, 46:223-225
Weller, John B., 46:122
Where Rails Meet the Sea: America’s Connections Between Ships and Trains, by Michael Krieger, reviewed, 46:52-54
White Aryan Resistance, 46:69
Whitson,William L., 46:144, 148, 166
Wiese, Andrew, book review by, 46:132-134
Willets, Kathryn, 46:25
Williams, Donna, 46:191
Williams, Greg, article by, 46:91-117
Williams, Glyndwr, book co-authored by, noted, 46:64
Wilson, Bob, book by, noted, 46:61-62
Witchey, Holly, book by, noted, 46:232
Witty, Robert M., book review by, 46:228-230
World War II, in San Diego, 46:15-17
Wyatt Earp: The Missing Years, San Diego in the 1880s, by Kenneth R. Cilch and Kenneth R. Cilch, Jr., reviewed, 46:209-211