The Journal of San Diego History
Fall 2000, Volume 46, Number 4
Gregg Hennessey, Editor
Book Notes
Raymond G. Starr, Book Review Editor
The Ancestral.
Carol Clark Cunningham. El Cajon, Ca: Privately Printed, 1998. Photographs. Genealogical Charts. x + 130 Pages. Softcover.
The Ancestral is a readable series of sketches of the family of longtime El Cajon resident, Carol Clark Cunningham. Based on family traditions, census and court records, family histories and many other sources, it was written for the present and future descendants of the Karl and Hal Clark family. Using the unique approach of seeing events through the “eyes and ears” of a treasured family piece, an antique chest of drawers which the family had named the “ancestral,” the book provides both historical and genealogical information on members of the Clark family. It also captures places and moods of the region, especially El Cajon and its environs, and thus would appeal to many beyond its intended family audience.