Francis Parker School chooses Junípero Serra Museum as focus of community service

San Diego, Calif.—San Diego History Center (SDHC) received some good will from Francis Parker School in the form of a day of community service performed by the Parker community of alumni, parents, grandparents and more and will take place on February 2nd at the Junípero Serra Museum in Presidio Park.

Francis Parker School celebrates its 100th year as a leader in education and is dedicating one day—February 2nd—as a day of giving back to the community. Working in two shifts, 150 affiliates from Parker have graciously offered to roll up their sleeves and make some light, but necessary, touch-ups to the Serra Museum like: scrubbing, scraping, painting, cleaning and landscaping as a way to give back to the community.

An important, but little known, similarity exists between Francis Parker School and the Serra; they were both designed by renowned architect William Templeton Johnson.

“We congratulate the Francis Parker School on its centennial and are honored  the Serra Museum and San Diego History Center have been chosen for one of its Centennial Community Outreach Projects. The Serra Museum and Presidio Park are community icons and this work will improve this important historic site,” said William Lawrence, SDHC trustee and chairman of SDHC’s Serra Committee.
Founded in 1912 and serving 1,237 students in grades JK – 12, Francis Parker School is committed to graduating students who embody those qualities essential for academic success and personal fulfillment.  The School is located on two distinct campuses, with the Lower School (JK – 5) at the Mission Hills Campus, while the Middle (grades 6 – 8) and Upper Schools (9 – 12) call the Linda Vista campus home.

San Diego History Center, which also operates the Junípero Serra Museum in Presidio Park, is dedicated to helping people of all ages learn about, and enjoy, the history of San Diego, and to appreciate how our past, present, and future are interrelated. The History Center was founded in 1928 and is one of the oldest and largest historical organizations in California. It is one of only a handful of institutions nationwide that is dedicated to celebrating the heritage of a major American city. The History Center publishes The Journal of San Diego History, a scholarly publication that since 1955 disseminates research on subjects of local and historical significance.


Check out Francis Parker School’s video from their Centennial Day of Service.