MS 244 San Diego Bar Association Auxiliary Records

Summary Information

San Diego History Center Document Collection
San Diego Bar Association Auxiliary.
San Diego Bar Association Auxiliary Records
MS 244
Date [inclusive]
12.5 Linear feet (26 boxes)
This collection contains San Diego Bar Association Auxiliary records including administrative and financial records as well as documents regarding their philanthropic programs and events such as the Courthouse Tours and the Blackstone Ball.

Preferred Citation

San Diego Bar Association Auxiliary Records, MS 244, San Diego History Center Document Collection, San Diego, CA.

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Biographical / Historical Notes

In 1952, a small, representative group of wives of members of the San Diego Bar Association collected under Mrs. David Pain, the Auxiliary’s first president. Invitations were sent out to the judicial community to join the Auxiliary and by December 18, 1952, the last group meeting of the year, membership totaled 123. Their original purpose was to provide assistance to the Legal Aid program in San Diego. The group would become known for its philanthropic and social events spanning just shy of half a century.

The Auxiliary started on a small scale of projects to raise funds – the “Card Party,” rummage sales, theater and concert sales. The “Card Party” experienced a huge turnout of members and friends, generating a profit of $403.50 which was sent to Mr. Charles Burch, President of the San Diego Bar Association, for the use on Legal Aid and Public Attorney programs. The number of small projects increased, some developed into grander ones, inevitably producing vast profits from their charitable events. Eventually, San Diego Bar Auxiliary Philanthropies, Inc. was established in 1981 for the purpose of collecting and distributing funds raised by the Auxiliary. Many of the Auxiliary’s events would become annual traditions for 30 years. The Author’s Luncheon hosted both nationally and locally renowned authors to speak and sell their books. The Gold and White Ball benefited the Crime Victims Fund. The Day at the Races, Emerald Luncheon and Fashion Show, and Installation Luncheon also benefited the Bar Auxiliary Philanthropies. Many holidays were spent assisting the Volunteers in Probation program in which probationers were given funds to shop for items on a wish-list of a family in need. Members were also committed volunteers for Voices for Children, where they acted as advocates for children in the foster care system. They helped restore the Courthouse Clock and raised $50,000 toward the construction of the Children’s Waiting Room at the Polinsky Children’s Center. They established the Law Student Scholarship Loan Fund for aspiring Lawyers who were in need of financial assistance. Other groups that benefited from the Auxiliary’s activities include Casa de Amparo, the San Diego County Bar Foundation, the San Diego Lawyer Program, the Juvenile Court Book Club and Libraries, the Volunteer Lawyer Program, the Child Abuse Prevention Foundation, the Girl’s Rehabilitation Facility, Youth Leadership Conference, Center for Women’s Studies, Battered Women’s Services, and many others.

The group’s largest social event was the Blackstone Ball, a formal gala honoring the judicial and legal professions of San Diego. The event aided the Legal Aid Society, the Crime Victims Fund, and the YMCA. First held on November 9, 1953 at the Grand Ballroom of the Hotel del Coronado, it was named after the 18th century English jurist, Sir William Blackstone. Frankie Lane performed for the partygoers at the first Ball.

In 1971, they formed the Courthouse Tour program with a mission to assist county schools and the San Diego Bar Association in increasing awareness of the judicial system. It was developed for grades five through twelve, concentrating on fifth and sixth grades. The two and a half hour tour provided a visit to the felony arraignment department, Marsha’s Office, business office, older records section, and the evidence room. Students also had the opportunity to have a question-and-answer session with a judge and participate in a mock trial where they would learn procedures and duties of courtroom personnel. Sixth through twelfth grades observed a real-life trial in session, while fifth grades had the chance to see (unoccupied) cells where prisoners are held. Potential tour guides would attend extensive classes to become familiar with the judicial system and the operations of the courthouse. The first class of 58 lawyer’s wives was held in April of 1971 and by the fall they were leading tours five days a week. During the 1973-74 school years, 175 tours were presented to 5,916 participants Downtown and 21 tours for 723 participants at the El Cajon courthouse.

In 2001, a vote was taken by the members to end the Auxiliary’s activities as an organization. A final festivity, “Baby, We’re History,” marked the end of the Auxiliary. Those in attendance were Peggy Holiday Gissberg (past-president), Jean Thompson, Vicki McIntyre, Barbara Iredale, Kristi Hannik, Patricia Woodworth, Doris Ellsworth, Jodi Estep, Vellet Finley, and Ann Gallagher. Many Auxiliary members would continue to serve the San Diego community through other charitable endeavors.

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Scope and Content

The collection contains records of the San Diego Bar Association Auxiliary dated from 1952 to 2001. Administrative documents include by-laws, Auxiliary histories, meeting minutes, financials, as well as President and Treasurer reports and notebooks. There are rosters for members and information on volunteer activities. Records of the Courthouse Tours include tour guide information and training, courthouse histories, trials visited, and involvement with local schools. The Blackstone Ball records include annually recorded event planning and publicity such as guest lists, invitations, food, decorations, photography, invoices and receipts, venue and talent contracts, as well as scrapbooks recording some years of the annual event. The Auxiliary’s involvement in the Scholarships Loan Fund is also included. Information, programs, and photographs from other events and philanthropic endeavors of the Auxiliary include the “Authors Luncheon,” “Day at the Races,” and their farewell event, “Baby, We’re History.” There are also publications printed by the Auxiliary including “The Bulletin,” “The Bar-ette,” and “The Record,” as well as publications from other groups. Scrapbooks contain newspaper clippings and photographs. Additionally, there is administrative information on the Lawyer’s Wives of California including the Auxiliary’s membership in that association.

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Collection is arranged into series:

Series I: Administration

Series II: Membership

Series III: Blackstone Ball

Series IV: Courthouse Tours

Series V: Scholarship Loan Fund

Series VI: Other Events and Philanthropy

Series VII: Publications

Series VIII: Scrapbooks

Series IX: Lawyer’s Wives of California

Items in each series are arranged by subject.

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Administrative Information

Publication Information

San Diego History Center Document Collection April 24, 2012

1649 El Prado, Suite 3
San Diego, CA, 92101

Conditions Governing Access

This collection is open for research.

Conditions Governing Use

The San Diego History Center (SDHC) holds the copyright to any unpublished materials. SDHC Library regulations do apply.

Immediate Source of Acquisition

Accession number 2001.070.

Processing Information

Collection processed by Aimee Santos on April 24, 2012.

Collection processed as part of grant project supported by the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR) with generous funding from The Andrew Mellon Foundation.

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Related Materials

Separated Materials

Commemorative plaque and corporate seal press previously separated to Objects Collection.

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Controlled Access Headings

Corporate Name(s)

  • Lawyer’s Wives of California.
  • San Diego Bar Association Auxiliary.
  • San Diego Bar Auxiliary Philanthropies, Inc..
  • San Diego County Bar Association.

Geographic Name(s)

  • San Diego (Calif.)

Personal Name(s)

  • Pain, David, Mrs.


  • Bar associations
  • Blackstone Ball
  • Charitable giving
  • Charity organization
  • Courthouse Tours
  • Courthouses
  • Courthouses — California
  • Lawyers
  • Lawyers’ spouses
  • Parties

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Collection Inventory

 Series I: Administration

Scope and Content:

The books entitled “San Diego Bar Association Auxiliary History” and “San Diego Bar Association Auxiliary,” contain Association histories, meeting minutes, reports, financials, and newsletters. All other folders contain items consistent with each folder title.

By-laws, 1959-1999 1:1
“San Diego Bar Association Auxiliary History 1952-1954,” 1952-1954 1:2
Meeting minutes, 1952 March 18-1997 August 20 and undated 1:3
“Minutes 1952-1954,” 1952-1954 1:4
“San Diego Bar Association Auxiliary History 1954-55, 1955-56,” 1954-1956 1:5
“Minutes 1954-1956,” 1954-1956 1:6
“San Diego Bar Association Auxiliary History 1956-57, 1957-58,” 1956-1958 1:7
“Minutes 1956-1958” 1956-1958 1:8
“San Diego Bar Association Auxiliary History 1958-59, 1959-60,” 1958-1960 2:1
“Minutes 1958-1960,” 1958-1960 2:2
“San Diego Bar Association Auxiliary History 1960-61, 1961-62,” 1960-1962 2:3
“Minutes 1960-1962,” 1960-1962 2:4
“San Diego Bar Association Auxiliary 1963-1964,” 1963-1964 2:5
“San Diego Bar Association Auxiliary 1964-1965,” 1964-1965 2:6
“San Diego Bar Association Auxiliary 1965-1966,” 1965-1966 3:1
“San Diego Bar Association Auxiliary 1966-1967,” 1966-1967 3:2
“San Diego Bar Association Auxiliary 1967-1968,” 1967-1968 3:3
“San Diego Bar Association Auxiliary 1968-1969,” 1968-1969 4:1
“San Diego Bar Association Auxiliary 1969-1970,” 1969-1970 4:2
“San Diego Bar Association Auxiliary 1970-1971,” 1970-1971 4:3
“San Diego Bar Association Auxiliary 1971-1972,” 1971-1972 4:4
“San Diego Bar Association Auxiliary 1972-1973,” 1972-1973 5:1
“San Diego Bar Association Auxiliary 1973-1974,” 1973-1974 5:2
“San Diego Bar Association Auxiliary 1974-1975,” 1974-1975 5:3
Meeting minutes, 1974 June 6-1976 March 4 6:1
Meeting minutes, 1976 April 1-1977 May 5 6:2
“San Diego Bar Association Auxiliary 1979-1980,” 1979-1980 6:3
“San Diego Bar Association Auxiliary 1980-1981,” 1980-1981 6:4
“San Diego Bar Association Auxiliary 1981-1982,” 1981-1982 6:5
“San Diego Bar Association Auxiliary 1982-1983,” 1982-1983 7:1
Meeting minutes, 1997 January 9-November 6 7:2
Meeting minutes, 1997 December 4-1998 November 5 7:3
Meeting minutes, 1999 January 4-August 6 7:4
Meeting minutes, 1999 August 30-2000 April 13 7:5
Meeting minutes, 1999 May 14-2000 April 13 7:6
“Treasurer’s Report Jan. 22, 1952 to June 30, 1960,” 1952 January 22-1960 June 30 7:7
“Treasurer’s Report 1960-61, 1961-62,” 1960-1962 7:8
Treasurer’s Reports, 1993 July 1-1995 December 7 7:9
Treasurer’s Reports, 1996 February 1-1997 December 4 7:10
Treasurer’s Reports, 1998 January 9-1999 May 1 7:11
Treasurer’s Reports, 1999 May 7-2000 March 9 7:12
Treasurer’s Reports, 1999 April 15-2000 May 3 7:13
Treasurer’s Notebook, 1999 May 7-2000 April 5 7:14
Treasurer’s Notebook, 1995-1996 7:15
Financials, 1978-1980 8:1
Financials, 1981-1983 8:2
Financials, 1984-1988 8:3
Financials, 1989-1992 8:4
Financials, 1993-1994 8:5
Financials, 1995-1997 8:6
Financials, 1998-2001 8:7
Financials, 1999 8:8
Financials, 2000 8:9
“1995-96 President, Irene Butterfield” (President’s Notebook), 1995-1996


Author’s Luncheon

Blackstone Ball

“1995-96 President, Irene Butterfield” (President’s Notebook), 1995-1996


Board Meeting Agendas

Budget and Treasurer Reports

Courthouse Tours

“1995-96 President, Irene Butterfield” (President’s Notebook), 1995-1996


Day at the Races


Fashion Show

“1995-96 President, Irene Butterfield” (President’s Notebook), 1995-1996




Membership Luncheon

“1995-96 President, Irene Butterfield” (President’s Notebook), 1995-1996


Meeting minutes


Scholarship Fund

Seller’s Permit


“1999-2000 President’s Notebook, Kathryn Burke Jelsma,” 1999-2000 and undated 8:15
President’s Notebook (Kathryn Jelsma), 1998-1999 8:16
President’s Notebook (Kathryn Jelsma), 2000 January 5-2001 May 9 8:17
President reports (Elsie Bledsoe and Nancy Kronemeyer), 1961-1962 9:1
Officer and Committee Reports, 1960-1962 9:2
Officer duties and responsibilities, 1995-1999 and undated 9:3
Ballots for dissolution, 2001 April 14-May 3 9:4
Awards, 1979-2001 9:5
Awards (oversize), 1998 February 14


“California Legislature Assembly Resolution: For Outstanding Contributions”

Board Meeting photographs, undated 9:6
Administration miscellanea, 1979-2000 and undated


List of Board of Directors, 1999-2000

List of Committee Chairs, 1999-2000

“Parliamentary Procedures”

“1979 Favorites Directory” (Association recommended businesses)

Check request

Blank stationary


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 Series II: Membership

Rosters, 1971-1980 9:8
Rosters, 1980-1990 9:9
Rosters, 1990-2001 9:10
Rosters, 2001 April and undated 9:11
Membership, 1997 May 13-2000 May 1 9:12
Members Lunch photographs and negatives, undated 9:13
Membership miscellanea, 2000 9:14

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 Series III: Blackstone Ball

Event planning, 1963 10:1
Event planning, 1979 10:2
Event planning, 1980 10:3
Event planning, 1980 10:4
Event planning, 1981 10:5
Event planning, 1982 10:6
Event planning, “Blackstone Ball Publicity,” 1983 10:7
Event planning, 1984 10:8
Event planning, 1985 11:1
Event planning, “1986 Blackstone Ball Press,” 1986 11:2
Event planning, “Press,” 1987 11:3
Event planning, 1988 11:4
Event planning, 1988 11:5
Event planning, 1988


Event program (in Oversize Collections D4)

Event planning, 1989 11:7
Event planning, 1991 11:8
Event planning, “Blackstone Ball – 1991,” 1991 11:9
Event planning, 1992 11:10
Event planning, 1993 11:11
Event planning, “Publicity 1994,” 1994 11:12
Event planning, 1995 11:13
Event planning, 1996 11:14
Event planning, 1996 11:15
Event planning, 1998


“Bar Report” (in Oversize Collections D4)

Event planning, 1999 12:2
Photographs, 1963-1982 12:3
Photographs and negatives, 1994 12:4
Scrapbook, 1963-1965 12:5
Scrapbook, 1963-1965 12:6
Scrapbook, 1966 21:2
Scrapbook, 1969 21:3
Scrapbook, 1970 12:7
Scrapbook, 1971 21:4
Scrapbook, 1972 21:5
Scrapbook, 1976 12:8
Scrapbook, 1983 22:1

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 Series IV: Courthouse Tours

Courthouse Tour Guide project history, 1970-1973 12:9
San Diego Courthouse history, 1954 October 13-1961 December 15 and undated


“History of the Courthouse”

“First San Diego Courthouse 1847-1872”

“The Whaley House: An Historical Museum in Old San Diego, Birthplace of California”

“Summons: Reconstruction of the First San Diego Courthouse”

Courthouse Program and Project Committees members duties and responsibilities, 1972-1990 and undated 12:11
Committee meeting minutes, 1978 June 12:12
Chairman reports, 1972-1994 12:13
Co-Chairman reports, 1973-1995 12:14
Annual reports, 1973-1994 12:15
Balances (book), 1976 August 26-1988 June 2 13:1
Budgets and financial status, 1979-1989 13:2
Reimbursements, 1994-1996 13:3
Receipts, 1980 August 22-1989 March 30 13:4
Uniform requests and receipts, 1978 March 17-1995 June 15 13:5
Correspondence, 1973-1990 13:6
Correspondence, 1991 October 30-1996 June 14 13:7
Promotional flyers, 1971-1975 and undated


Tour Guide Registration (Become a Tour Guide)

Courthouse Tours

Courthouse Classes

Tour Guide meeting announcements, 1972-1996 and undated 13:9
Tour Guide events, 1985-1990 and undated 13:10
Tour Guide training course schedules, 1975-1979 13:11
“Courthouse Manual” (3 copies), 1976 January 13:12
“Courthouse Tour Training Manual,” 1994 September 13:13
Courthouse Tour Guide degrees and award pins, 1989-1999 and undated 13:14
Tour Guides, 1971-1991 and undated 13:15
“Parking Signatures,” 1993 April 29-1998 October 5


List of tour guides and their corresponding license plate numbers

Tour schedules, 1977-1991 and undated 13:17
Tour schedules: Downtown, 1996-1997 13:18
Tour schedules: El Cajon, 1995 October 3-1997 May 27 13:19
Schools correspondence, 1979-1990 and undated 13:20
“Special Tours” correspondence, 1978-1989 13:21
Trials visited, 1995 October 2-2001 March 8 13:22
Courthouse locations, undated 13:23
“Commentary for Guided Tour of Federal Buildings,” 1981 13:24
“Commentary for Guided Tour,” 1986 August 13:25
El Cajon Courthouse, 1973 October-1977 October


Instructions and information for tour guides

South Bay Courthouse, 1982 March 1-4 and undated


Instructions and information for tour guides

Los Angeles Courthouse, 1977 July and undated


“Commentary for Guided Tour Sponsored by Lawyers’ Wives of Los Angeles”

Information for Tour Guides

“The Courthouse Experience – Superior Court Maricopa County,” 1991-1992 13:29
Riverside Courthouse: Court Tour Program narration for film, undated 13:30
Orange County Courthouse, undated


“‘Walk-Around’ Lawyers’ Wives of Orange County Court Tour Program”

“Commentary for ‘Walk-Around'”

“Commentary for Guided Tour – Fullerton,” 1975 January 14:2
“Liberty and Justice: A Look at the American Legal System” (part 1 video and study guide), 1990 14:3
“Liberty and Justice: A Look at the American Legal System” (part 2 video and study guide), 1990 14:4
“Liberty and Justice” video receipts, 1999-2000 14:5
Appreciation ans special thanks, 1972-1979 and undated 14:6
Certificate of Appreciation from the International Surface Warfare Officer Course, Naval Amphibious School, 1984 October 11 14:7
Certificate of Appreciation from the International Surface Warfare Officer Course, Naval Amphibious School, 1985 April 23 14:8
Certificate of Appreciation from the International Surface Warfare Officer Course, Naval Amphibious School, 1985 October 16 14:9
Certificate of Appreciation from the International Surface Warfare Officer Course, Naval Amphibious School, 1986 April 25 15:1
Certificate of Appreciation from the International Surface Warfare Officer Course, Naval Amphibious School, 1986 October 14 15:2
Certificate of Appreciation from the International Surface Warfare Officer Course, Naval Amphibious School, 1987 October 13 15:3
Awards, 1991 March 5-1996 May 1 15:4
Thank yous from Black Mountain Middle School, 1998 15:5
Articles, 1971 April-1981 September 15:6
Articles from “The Record,” 1989-1996 and undated 15:7
Training materials and literature, undated


“Setting Up a Mock Trial and the Trial”

Training materials and literature, 1971 March 30 and undated


“Vocabulary” – definitions, codes, and information on the court system

Training materials and literature, 1972-1981


“Meet the Municipal Courts of California”

“Welcome to Your Courts”


“Teacher’s Guide: The Consequences of Crime”

Training materials and literature, 1992


“When Justice is Up to You” (2 copies)

Training materials and literature, undated


“Youth and the Law”

“The Juror’s Handbook”

“California Court System”

“Canons of American Citizenship”

“Interpreting the Bill of Rights” (poster) (in Oversize Collections D4)

Courthouse Tours blank forms, undated


Visiting School Information

Trials Visited

Court Tour Questionnaire

Babysitting Reimbursement

Photographs, 1971 April 13-1975 May 3 15:14
Photographs and negatives, undated 16:1
Photographs (copies), 1972 and undated 16:2
Miscellanea, 1986-1996 and undated


“Twenty-Eighth Annual Amphibious Planning Course 1986 Graduation Program”

“1966 Law Day Luncheon”

Volunteer opportunities

Business cards


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 Series V: Scholarship Loan Fund

Scholarship Loan Fund, 1981-1983 16:4
Scholarship Loan Fund, 1984-1986 16:5
Scholarship Loan Fund, 1991-1994 16:6
Scholarship Loan Fund, 1995-1997 16:7
Scholarship Loan Fund, 1998 16:8
Scholarship Loan Fund, 1999 16:9
Scholarship Loan Fund, 2000-2001 16:10
Correspondence, 1992 January 3-September 8 16:11
Correspondence, 1993-1995 16:12
Correspondence, 1996 May 1-2000 February 17 16:13
Applicants, 2000 16:14
Miscellanea, undated


Scholarship Loan Fund application and promissory note


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 Series VI: Other Events and Philanthropy

Author’s Luncheon, 1986 September 25-1988 March 16 16:16
Author’s Luncheon, 1995 February 27-1997 March 20 16:17
Author’s Luncheon, 1998 16:18
Author’s Luncheon, 1998 16:19
Author’s Luncheon, 1999 December 21-2000 March 3 16:20
Author’s Luncheon, 2000 17:1
Author’s Luncheon, 2000


Two floppy disks

Author’s Luncheon, 2000-2001 17:3
Author’s Luncheon, 2001 17:4
Author’s Luncheon, 2001 and undated 17:5
Author’s Luncheon: photographs, 1992-1996 and undated 17:6
Baby, We’re History, 2001


Guest signatures

List of former Presidents

Baby, We’re History: invitations, 2001 17:8
Bar News Alive, 1999 June 30-September 2 17:9
Child Abuse Prevention Foundation: photographs, 1992 17:10
Children’s Waiting Room Program, 1992 April 1 and undated


“Children’s Waiting Room Color Activities Book”

Children’s Waiting Room Program: photographs and negatives, undated 17:12
Courthouse Clock Restoration, 1980 Feburary 28-1981 May 25 17:13
Day at the Races, 1978 July-1995 August and undated 17:14
Day at the Races, 1999-2000 17:15
Day at the Races: photographs and negatives, 1994 August-1995 August 17:16
Emerald Luncheon and Fashion Show, 1958 March 12-1959 March 12 17:17
Fashion Show and Luncheon, 1986 February 14-19 and undated 17:18
Gold and White Ball, 1985-1988


“Fifth Anniversary Gazette – The Crime Victims Fund” (newspaper) (in Oversize Collection D4)

Holiday Luncheon, 1999 17:20
Installation Luncheon, 1991-1999 17:21
Installation Luncheon: slides (113), 1995 18:1
Juvenile Court Book Club, 1999-2000 18:2
Meet the Challenge, 1987 October 21-24 18:3
Past Presidents Brunch, 1995 April 17-20 18:4
Volunteer Lawyer Program, 1998-1999 18:5
Volunteers in Probation, 1993 18:6
Volunteers in Probation, 1994 18:7
Volunteers in Probation, 1995 18:8
Volunteers in Probation, 1997 18:9
Volunteers in Probation, 1998-1999 18:10
Volunteers in Probation, 2000 18:11
Volunteers in Probation photographs, 1999 January 18:12
Why the Grand Jury?, 1988 January 28 and undated 18:13
Photographs and negatives, 1968-1994 18:14
“Negatives of Activities,” 1994-1995 18:15
Photographs and negatives, 1996-2001 18:16
Photographs, undated 18:17
Photographs, undated 18:18
Event volunteers, 1999 November 1 18:19
Events miscellanea, 1962 March-1994 February


Program for “Anniversary Parade”

Blood Drive flyer

“The Communicator” – publication by the San Diego County Probation Department (in Oversize Collections D4)


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 Series VII: Publications

“The Bulletin,” 1953 February-1954 January 18:21
“The Bar-ette,” 1954 Feburary-1958 December 18:22
“The Bar-ette,” 1959 January-1964 June 19:1
“The Bar-ette,” 1964 June-1978 December 19:2
“The Bar-ette,” 1979 January-1986 April 19:3
“The Record,” 1986 September-1992 December 19:4
“The Record,” 1993 February-1996 May 19:5
“The Record,” 1996-1998 19:6
“The Record,” 1998 April-2001 May 19:7
“The Record” correspondence, 2000 19:8
“Dicta: The Lawyer’s Magazine” (publication by San Diego County Bar Association), 1973 October-1986 December 20:1
“Dicta: The Lawyer’s Magazine” (publication by San Diego County Bar Association), 1987 February-1991 December 15 20:2

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 Series VIII: Scrapbooks

“San Diego Bar Association Auxiliary,” 1952-1957 22:2
“San Diego Bar Association Auxiliary,” 1957-1960 23
“San Diego Bar Association Auxiliary,” 1960-1964 24
Scrapbook, 1964-1967 25:1
Scrapbook, 1968-1970 25:2
Scrapbook, 1970-1973 26:1
Scrapbook, 1978-1979 26:2

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 Series IX: Lawyer’s Wives of California

Administration, 1954 May 26-1957 October 3


Certificate of membership for the San Diego Bar Association Auxiliary

“Resolution,” statement of Auxiliary Incorporation


Administration, 1956-1964


Board of Directors


Meeting agenda


Withdrawal of Auxiliary’s membership from Lawyer’s Wives of California

Correspondence, 1954 January 25-1967 August 8 20:5
Newsletters, 1956 April-1959 April 20:6

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