San Diego City Directory 1874
This booklet was published in 1874, just 7 years after Alonzo Horton’s arrival and the subsequent re-birth of New San Diego. The directory makes it seem as if old San Diego (Old Town) no longer existed. The photographs depict homes and businesses in New San Diego. There are no photos of Old Town, two photos of the Mission and one of the National City Wharf. All businesses listing addresses are in New San Diego, although there are a few without any address.
See below for select text pages from the directory. See here for photo pages. A full hard copy of the book is available on site in the Research Library.
Return to Books.
City of San Diego,
San Diego
Water Company,
San Diego, Cal.
Persons proposing to make their residence in San Diego very naturally ask in regard to the quality of water and the adequacy of its supply. No one will be disposed to build where their houses cannot be protected from fire, and the grounds round about them improved; or where wholesome water for drinking, and soft water for washing cannot be obtained. Can then good water for these purposes be furnished, sufficient to meet the demands of the population when San Diego has grown to be a large city? We answer authoritatively, Yes.
It is true that many of the wells, heretofore sunk, the depth of which has been quite limited, have not yielded soft or pure water, and for a time, the impression was prevalent that the city would be compelled to get its supply from the San Diego River, or from the Sweetwater, by pipes from five to ten miles in length. But the San Diego Water Company, controlled by the good judgement and indomitable energy of its President, Henry M. Covert, have solved the problem satisfactorily. Their wells are now completed, and they are prepared to supply good artesian water in unlimited quantity.
This Company was incorporated February 13th, 1873, with a Capital Stock of $90,000. Their place of business is San Diego. The water supply is obtained from artesian wells located a half mile from the Bay, in the south-west corner of the City Park.
These wells, two in number, are three hundred feet deep, tapping a running stream eleven and one-third feet in depth, beneath a stratum of fifty feet of solid rock; they discharge fifty thousand gallons per hour. The first reservoir that receives this volume is a cylindrical shaft one hundred and seventy feet deep and twelve feet in diameter. Its bottom is laid in concrete, and it is curbed to the surface with hard brick and cement. The second reservoir, with an altitude above mean tide of one hundred and seventeen feet, has a capacity of about seventy thousand gallons. Water is forced from the first to the second reservoir, which is larger than required to meet the present demand, by one of Hooker’s double-acting suction and force pumps, worked by steam, with a capacity of forty thousand gallons per hour. From this reservoir the city is supplied by pipes running through all the principal streets, from which pipes water can be projected, without the use of “cranes,” to the tops of the highest buildings. The machine shops, apparatus and machinery of these extensive works are complete, ona a massive scale, and finished in the most workmanlike manner. The water, also, is very pure, sweet and wholesome.
To the Chamber of Commerce
of San Diego, Cal.:
The committee appointed by your honorable body, with instructions to publish, in a comprehensible form, information of a reliable character, setting forth the advantages of this city and surrounding country, as a desirable locality for persons seeking new homes and health, present to the public, through your honorable body, the following work, comprising:
First – An Essay on its Climate, Resources, and Commercial Importance.
Second – An Article entitled “Among the Wild Flowers of San Diego,” by James S. Lippincott.
Third – Meteorological Statistics for 1871, 1872, and 1873, from the records of the observer’s office, signal service United States army, and from the Smithsonian records, kept by G. W. Barnes, M. D.
Fourth – Illustrated by twenty-two photographic views of Business Houses, Residences, Gardens, and Historical Localities.
Fifth – The names of Schools, Academies, Churches, Religious and other Societies and Organizations.
Sixth – A Business Directory.
SAN DIEGO, CAL., May, 1874.
The City of San Diego, California, is situated in the county of San Diego, in latitude 32 [degrees] 41′ North, and within fifteen miles of Mexican territory. Its magnificent Bay was discovered by Juan Rodriguez Cabrillo, September 28, 1542, and was by him named San Miguel. By act of Congress this favored location has been so far appreciated as to be proclaimed the terminus of the Texas and Pacific Railway in California.
Less than seven years ago the tract of land now occupied by about one thousand buildings, and known as San Diego, was covered with a heavy growth of cactus and bushes, where thousands of hare and quail enjoyed almost peaceful possession. The place is beautifully located east of the Bay. Nature in her most accommodating mood seems to have formed a site expressly for an attractive city, to extend for miles along the water’s edge, as the land slopes gently to the shore of the Bay. From nearly every part a most charming view is presented of the placid harbor – the light-house promontory – the sparkling surf of the gently-waving waters of the Pacific – the distant Coronado islands – and the far-off mountains of our own and of a foreign land. Four miles northward stands the original and ancient-appearing “Old San Diego.” It was settled by the religious order of Franciscan Fathers in the year 1769, and has not yet wholly emerged from its clay walls and crumbling ruins into the light and life of American civilization.
The San Diego of future renown did not originate in the idea of a missionary station, but in that of a railway station and terminus. Mr. A. E. HORTON is its founder, as he was in 1867 the purchaser of about eight hundred acres of the city’s most eligible lands adjacent to the water-front. Every impulse of his most sanguine nature, and every golden accumulation of his successful investment, have thus far been devoted with a lavish hand to the advancement of the new place. The enthusiasm, the enterprise, and the unwavering faith of this gentleman in the coming greatness of San Diego, have added largely to its growth. When a hall, a wharf, a hotel, or other public improvement was demanded, his purse responded. His example became contagious in a good degree, and the unexcelled natural city site rapidly developed in improvement and beauty under the irrepressible enterprise of himself and his co-laborers. The attractive young city, in its infancy…
The public is often misled with regard to a new country, by accounts of the tourist, whose vision was dazzled by its beauties, or clouded by prevailing shadows, during a visit of only a few inauspicious days.
The picture drawn is seldom accurate, but is usually brightened and warmed by the glow of generous gratitude to its people, or is clouded and made cold and barren by unfavorable influences affecting the author’s mind. Other false pictures are sometimes drawn by jealous and adversely interested parties, many of whom have never seen, and are profoundly ignorant of, the object of their jealousy.
These descriptions are read and heard with more or less faith in the integrity of their authors, but always with enough to enable them, in some degree, to impress the mind.
San Diego has not escaped detraction from these sources, but has been – is still – the subject of persistent misrepresentation – misrepresentation often so flagrant as to be suggestive of adverse interest.
To counteract these misrepresentations, the Chamber of Commerce of the city of San Diego publish this little pamphlet, by which they propose to represent to the public the real truth relative to the condition, and prospects, and the peculiar characteristics of their flourishing young city and the adjacent country, as fully as is practicable in a paper such as this. They are confident that investigation and the lapse of time will demonstrate that the representation is not overdrawn.
…have proved that San Diego’s soil is unsurpassed in fertility and adaptability to northern and semi-tropical productions.
All the travel via Fort Yuma from Arizona and New Mexico passes through National City.
It is confidently believed that in a few years hence one great city will extend for miles along the bay, including what is now National City and San Diego. From the entrance to the head of the bay there is presented unquestionably the finest site on which a city was ever built. For the whole distance of thirteen miles the rise is so gradual that the most perfect grade and drainage can be secured with trifling cost.
As regards facilities for commerce, San Diego stands pre-eminent among the shipping points of the world, and must eventually take a position which will entitle it to the earnest attention of shippers of all countries. Lying as it does at the gateway of nations, and having already attracted the notice of commercial men, it is impossible that it can ever retrograde or be again neglected.
Hon. R. C. McCormick, of Arizona, than whom no one is better qualified for passing an opinion, in an able speech in the House of Representatives in 1871, said:
“San Diego, fixed by the bill (Texas & Pacific Railway) as the western terminus of the road, is situated upon a bay second only in size to San Francisco, and several hundred miles more directly in the track of vessels from China, Japan, and the Sandwich Islands, with a harbor, the grandeur, beauty, and excellence of which it would be difficult to exaggerate. The Texas & Pacific Railway is the shortest route over American soil, connecting the Atlantic, the Gulf of Mexico and the valley of the Mississippi with the Pacific.”
In proof of this statement, we submit the following figures on the same authority:
New York to San Francisco, central route … 3,283 miles.
New York to San Francisco, southern route … 3,359 “
Difference in favor of central route … 76 “
“The principal articles exported during the past year were wool, honey, hides, and whale oil, as follows: 599,756 pounds of wool; 116,000 pounds of honey; 5,344 hides; 40,200 gallons of whale oil.”
The mineral resources of San Diego county alone bid fair to become a very important feature in her industries. The Julian mines, sixty miles from the bay, accessible by stage, or private conveyance, through a delightfully romantic section of country, were discovered five years ago. Already their yield has proved highly remunerative to their owners, given employment to a large number of laborers, and has built up a town of considerable importance, though owing to a question of title, comparatively little has yet been done. The locators of the mines have at length triumphed; the cloud which has hovered over them, and retarded the work, has been removed, and renewed energy and outside capital will give the work an impetus unknown in the past.
The shipment of bullion from the Julian mines in 1872 was $488,670; from Lower California, $50,775, making a total of $539,445 shipped from San Diego.
The recently discovered and promising Japa and Bladen mines, with increased facilities for work at Julian and San Rafael, present a most gratifying outlook, and indicate golden harvest in the future.
The eastern farmer, if wedded to the theories of his own latitude, or trained in the unprogressive school of one method for all places, will naturally make a failure here, where all the conditions are new to him. But to those who are ready to accept new theories, with new conditions, there are few places that promise greater returns from the soil, or a better prospect of a future independence.
This county, in common with the whole of Southern California, is, at long intervals, subject to drought; but there is no year when the rain-fall in the interior is not sufficient to…
…and pronounce them at least equal to the best in those countries.
One planting suffices for generations; their fruitfulness is unfailing, and time increases their productiveness.
One tree near Nice is said to have been recorded in 1516, as one of the oldest trees in the neighborhood. Others have been known to live six or seven hundred years.
Another important fruit, one that requires less labor than any other to cultivate, is the fig. It gives a quicker return than the olive, the cuttings often bearing fruit the same year they are taken from the tree. In San Diego two crops, and sometimes three, are taken from the same tree in a season. The fruit is of a superior size and flavor. The expense of planting a fig orchard is very small, and the investment a profitable one.
No atmosphere could be better adapted to the curing of figs, grapes, and all other fruits; and whoever makes this a specialty, will be abundantly rewarded.
The smaller fruits, especially the strawberry, are marvelous bearers in our soil. Three crops of strawberries are taken in a year from the vines, the season continuing from March to December, and a few ripening through the winter. A small plat of ground devoted to this delicious fruit gives pleasant and profitable employment to those unable to engage in more laborious work. This fruit requires a large quantity of water, and can only be successfully grown where it can be applied when needed.
Probably as many branches of industry may be as advantageously pursued in San Diego as can be in any other place in America. From what has been accomplished in the last five years, we are sure of the possibilities of the future. Time, capital and energy, if wisely applied, will produce comforts and luxuries not excelled by any portion of the earth.
Sericulture, without doubt, might become a leading feature of our industries. The mulberry tree grows with little care, and the even temperature is precisely what the…
…for the home manufacture of woolen goods. Our wool is sent to the eastern markets, and woolen goods brought back in return, at the cost of shipping both ways, while we have the needed facilities for manufacturing in our own county. Our last year’s export of wool was six hundred thousand pounds, which in the years to come will be greatly increased, the manufacture of which in our own county invites eastern capitalists hither.
The cost of running machinery is but little greater than at the East, while labor can be as cheaply obtained, and wool made cheaper.
The soil is congenial to the sugar beet, and with proper culture produces abundant crops, which might be converted into sugar, thus giving us another staple commodity for export.
Salt is somewhat extensively manufactured from the waters of the bay, and the business may be indefinitely extended.
Hides, which the county supplies in large quantities, may be profitably tanned here, and excellent leather, in lieu of raw hides, shipped to other markets.
In short, there seems no limit to our natural resources. New enterprises are constantly suggested, and whoever improves the golden opportunities here offered does himself and the public an immense benefit.
As a national sanitarium, San Diego is unsurpassed. Hundreds of invalids have been restored to health, or greatly benefitted, by our health-giving climate.
The most casual observer will perceive on the trip from San Francisco to San Diego by water, after passing Point Conception, a most agreeable change from cold and fog to a soft and balmy atmosphere. The change becomes more apparent as we pass down the coast, until we reach San Diego, where the perfection of climatic conditions is attained.
The remarkable equability of the temperature may be perceived by a reference to the tables prepared for publication by the observer of the U. S. Signal Service at San Diego. These tables may be found in the Appendix, to which the…
…in San Diego than any other city in the Union; while a large percentage of those who have died here in the past four years, are those who came in advanced stages of consumption, when too late to rally from the effects of long journeys, anxiety and weakness. (See Mortuary Table in appendix.)
An objectionable feature of new countries, from which San Diego is happily exempt, is the high cost of provisions and other articles of general use. Breadstuffs and meat are cheaper than at the east, and groceries quite as cheap. Fuel is higher than in wooded countries, but this is more than balanced by the small quantity necessary to be used. Very little, except for cooking, is required. Fire, mornings and evenings, is often agreeable in the winter, but seldom needed during the day at any season of the year.
Merchants may now ship their goods direct from New York via Panama, thus saving the extra expense of reshipment from San Francisco, saving the profits made by San Francisco wholesale dealers, and thereby materially reducing the cost of living.
Fare between San Diego and San Francisco is very low, owing to an opposition line of steamers. From four to ten dollars for first class fare, a distance of 456 miles. Freight is $2.50 per ton.
Lumber for building purposes can be laid down here from Puget Sound and Humboldt Bay, for from twenty-five to forty dollars per thousand.
Vegetables may be had at all seasons of the year, by irrigating during the summer months.
The bay and ocean, immediately outside, abound in fish of large size and most delicate flavor.
Wild geese and ducks are plentiful in winter; deer, rabbits and quail are found in the foot-hills.
Our natural roads are unsurpassed. Those which have been longest traveled by the old Spanish population are so solid and smooth that a horse’s hoof leaves no impression upon them.
Tornadoes or other violent or destructive storms never…
The vegetation of San Diego presents an extraordinary appearance to the visitor from the Northern and Eastern States, and, if he be possessed of scientific proclivities, will prove exceedingly interesting. Should he arrive in December, his attention will be early arrested by the peculiar mildness and the even range of temperature, which permits the continued blooming of many plants, and the appearance of flowers, whose congeners he is accustomed to find greeting the early spring in his Eastern home. The equable character of the temperature through December, January and February is strikingly expressed in the stagnant condition of sundry incipient flowers, which, having advanced to the condition of colored buds, await through the three months named for a few warmer days in which to evolve their colors. One of the most remarkable of these is a caper-like plant (Isomeris arborea), which early in December exhibits a sparse bloom, and continues to labor under the difficulties of its condition, making no advance until March, when a few degrees of additional heat open its fine, yellow flowers, and soon its large inflated brown seed-vessels appear at the extremity of the long protruded pistils.
The earliest plant which appears upon the lower bench, or mesa, is a saxifrage. This, like its Eastern sisters, leads the floral throng, and blooms in December; but, unlike them, enjoys the advantage of a bulbous root – a necessary aid for preserving its life during the long droughts of summer. Drawing sustenance from a depth of from four to six inches, it sends up its long slender scape, develops one simple leaf, and a pale, diminutive flower, but, anchored below, resists the unfavorable agencies that would destroy…
PUBLIC SCHOOL, operated under the general school law of this State. This is a graded school, having primary, intermediate, and grammar departments. At the close of the present school year (June) there will be a class fully prepared for a higher school department. Total number enrolled, two hundred and eighty-two; average number of scholars in attendance, two hundred and seventeen.
PRIVATE SCHOOL, J. D. Dorlan, corner of 10th and E sts.
YOUNG LADIES ACADEMY, corner of 9th and G streets; S. M. Gunn, Principal. Instruction given in all the common and higher English branches, French, Spanish, Latin, instrumental music, etc. The academy building has a capacity for accommodating seventy-five scholars.
SAN DIEGO SEMINARY FOR YOUNG LADIES, on 8th street, between C and D streets; Mrs. O. W. Gates, Principal. The school was opened November 3d, 1873, and has accommodations for forty pupils. Instructions given in English and ornamental branches, ancient and modern languages, vocal and instrumental music.
SAN DIEGO SEMINARY, between 1st and 2d, and D and E streets, a boarding and day school for young ladies and gentlemen; Rev. D. F. McFarland, Principal. This institution affords all the privileges of a first-class boarding school. Two hundred can be accommodated in the institution. Instructions given in all the common and scientific branches.
CHURCH OF THE HOLY TRINITY (Episcopal); Rev. Hobart Chetwood, Rector. Number of communicants, sixty; average…
…attendance at the services, about one hundred; value of church property, about $2,750.
FIRST REGULAR BAPTIST CHURCH OF SAN DIEGO, constituted Jun 5, 1869, Rev. 0. W. Gates, Acting Pastor; located corner of 7th and F streets. Value, $5,000. The church building seats two hundred; present membership, sixty-five.
FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF SAN DIEGO; Rev. F. L. Nash, Pastor. Number of members, one hundred and twenty; average attendance, one hundred; seating capacity of church, one hundred and seventy-five; value of church property, $3,000.
METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH; Rev. Geo. S. Hickey, A. M., Pastor; corner of 4th and D streets. Seating capacity of edifice, two hundred and fifty; value of church property, $6,000; number of members, seventy-five.
UNITY SOCIETY for religious, moral, and intellectual culture, with a board of fifteen managers. No resident pastor, but supplied by lecturers and clergymen from abroad. Services held at Horton’s Hall. Sunday school at half past two P.M.
ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH of the Immaculate Conception, Old Town; Rev. A. D. Ubach, pastor, Rev. McNamee, curate; congregation one thousand; services also held at Rosario Hall, New San Diego; congregation three hundred. The latter have secured a site, and will soon build a handsome church.
W. A. Begole … W. M.
J. S. Gordon … S. W.
Chalmers Scott … J. W.
H. R. Ware … Secy.
A. H. Julian … Treas.
Total number of members, 75.
SAN DIEGO LODGE No. 153, I.O. of O.F.
P. G. W. J. McCormick … Noble Grand.
P. G. S. S. Culverwell … Vice Grand.
W. W. Pierce … Rec. Secretary.
J. R. Scranton … Perm. Secretary.
Joseph Tasher … Treas.
Total number of members, May 1, 1874, 90.
ORDER OF GOOD TEMPLERS. Organized April 2, 1869:
James McG. Frazer … W. C. T.
Mrs. J. A. Shephard … W. V.
Geo. Humphry … Secretary.
Number of members, 50.
San Diego is connected with other parts of the United States by the lines of the Western Union Telegraph Company. Length of line from San Diego to San Francisco, six hundred and fifty miles, including the branch line to San Bernardino.
Office receipts are equal to a population of a city of twenty thousand in the Eastern States.
This office furnishes the Coast and eastern cities with daily reports of steamship movements, exports and imports; with other valuable statistics and information, amounting to thirty-six thousand words in the year 1873.
Number of messages sent and received during same year, nine thousand.
Number of words received for the daily press of the city one hundred and eighty thousand.
The meterological reports from the Signal Service of the War Department are sent by this line thrice daily to Washington and other principal cities.
This office is also the terminus of the Arizona Military Telegraph line constructed by the Army, running through Fort Yuma, Maricopa Wells, Phoenix and Wickenburg, to Prescott, and from Maricopa Wells, via Florence, to Tucson. The office is located corner of D and 5th streets. W. E. Smith is Manager.
President … Jas. S. Gordon.
Vice President … A. H. Gilbert.
Secretary … W. W. Stewart.
Treasurer … C. Dunham.
Number of members, 50.
(Office at Court House.)
District Judge … W. T. McNealy.
Treasurer … Jose G. Estudillo.
Sheriff … N. Hunsaker.
Register of Deeds and Clerk … A. S. Grant.
District Attorney … A. B. Hotchkiss.
School Superintendent … J. H. S. Jamison.
Surveyor … M. G. Wheeler.
Coroner (Office, Fifth street) … C. M. Fenn, M. D.
Public Administrator … P. P. Martin.
County Judge … Thos. H. Bush.
Supervisors. – W. G. Hill, Chairman; Andrew Cassidy, F. N. Pauly, Jacob Bergman, James Duffy.
Board of Trustees. – E. A. Veazie, President; W. A. Begole, J. B. Boyd, J. G. Estudillo, M. Keating.
A. P. Knowles … Marshal.
M. P. Shaffer … City Assessor.
Jas. S. Gordon, Capt. C. G. McAlmond, E. A. Veazie.
T. L. Nesmith … President.
– Wright … Secretary.
A. H. Gilbert … Treasurer.
Supplied with a good library, and newspapers from all parts of the country. Rooms next door to Post office.
San Diego Union. (Morning.) Plaza.
San Diego World. (Evening.) Plaza.
(Both Daily and Weekly.)
Bank of San Diego. Sixth street. T. L. Nesmith, President. L. G. Nesmith, Assistant Cashier.
Commercial Bank of San Diego. Corner of Fifth and G streets. A. H. Wilcox, President. E. F. Spence, Cashier. Jose G. Estudillo, Assistant Cashier.
Horton House. Plaza. S. W. Craigue, Proprietor. J. A. Gordon, Manager.
Bay View Hotel, corner of I and Twelfth streets. Price $1.50 to $2.00 per day.
San Diego Hotel, corner of F and State streets. $1.50 per day; $8.00 per week. S. Dunnells, Proprietor.
Occidental Hotel, corner of Fourth and E streets. John Bogan, Proprietor.
Lyon’s Hotel, corner of Seventh and I streets. Price $1.00 per day.
General Merchandise.
Sterner & Klauber, Seventh street, corner of I.
McDonald & Co. (Lumber.) Foot of Sixth street.
Gordan & Hazzard, corner of Sixth and H streets.
Hamilton & Marston, corner of Fifth and J streets.
J. Nash, corner of Fifth and J streets.
J. S. Manasse & Co., Fifth street.
J. G. Maxwell, corner of Fifth and K streets.
A. Pauly and Sons, corner of D and Third streets.
J. W Gale & Co., corner of Sixth and F streets.
H. Dievendorff, Sixth street.
Dry Goods, Clothing, Etc.
Loewenstein & Co., Commercial Bank Block, Fifth st.
N. C. Felsendhel, corner of Sixth and F streets.
Ed. M. Skinner, Plaza.
Drug Stores.
John D. Gray, corner of Fifth and I streets.
G. Witfield, corner of Fifth and E streets
Legare Allen, corner of Fifth and F stretts.
Charles A. Chase, corner of Fifth and F streets.
Millinery and Fancy Goods.
Mrs. A. A. Cosper, Fifth street.
Mrs. J. H. Tibbitts, Fifth street, opposite Commercial Bank.
Millinery and Straw Goods.
Mrs. Tiernan, Plaza.
Saddlery and Harness.
S. G. Blaisdell, Fifth street, opposite Post office.
C. J. Edwards, Fifth street.
Builders, Contractors and Plasterers.
William Jorres.
J. R. Scranton.
J. W. Gillingham, corner of Fourth and B streets.
J. B. Levet (carpenter), corner of J and Eighth streets.
E. B. Fulkerson.
Tobacco, Cigars and Fancy Goods.
Julius Elbe, Postoffice.
C. Wolfscheimer & Co., Fifth street.
N. Nelson, corner of Fifth and D streets.
Boot and Shoe Dealers.
Frank McIntosh, Plaza. Boots, Shoes, Leather and Findings.
Phil. Brady, Fifth street.
Isidor Louis, Fifth street. Mammoth Boot and Shoe Store.
Grocers, Fruit and Confectionery.
G. Raffi, Plaza.
A. M. Caswell, Fifth street.
W. A. Beers, Fifth street.
E. H. Weeger, Fifth street.
W. J. Walsh, Fifth Street.
Merchant Tailors.
A. Kramer, Plaza.
M. Cohen, Fifth street.
T. Lehman, Fifth street.
E. D. Switzer, Fifth street.
R. R. Morrison, Fifth street.
J. H. Tibbitts, Fifth street.
Thomas McLeary, Fifth street.
R. G. Balcom, corner of Fifth and D streets.
M. Bouschi & Co., F street.
G. Caravia, corner of K and Tenth streets.
E. Krause.
Meat Markets.
George Meister, Fifth street.
W. J. Tighe, stalls Nos. 1 and 3, Central Market.
A. 0. Wallace, stalls Nos. 10 and 12, Central Market.
Commission Merchants.
W. W. Stewart & Co., dealers in wool, grain, and silver ores, corner of Fifth and K streets.
J. A. Sample & Co., corner of Fifth and J streets.
Plumbers, Gas and Steam Fitters.
Thos. Humphreys & Son, Fifth street, opposite Express Office.
Old Water Company.
Tasker & Hoke, Fifth street.
Thomas Goss.
Wells, Fargo & Co.’s Express and Exchange Company.
F. S. Laurence, agent, Fifth street.
C. Deleval, corner of Fifth and F streets.
Shaving and Hairdressing.
Gregory &, Trask, Fifth street.
Schwerer & Schneider (Baths), Fifth street
H. H. Brown, Fifth street, near K.
Pietro Rosso, Sixth street.
J. H. Koop, Fifth street.
Henry Heer, Fifth and J streets.
Joseph Winter, Fourth street.
Furniture and Bedding.
John N. Young, general undertaker, Fifth st., near H.
James N. Young, corner of Third and G streets.
H. B. Hirschey, Sixth street.
Stoves and Tinware.
Julian & Stutsman, Fifth street.
W. A. Begole, Fifth street, between H and I streets.
Joseph Morel, Sixth street.
W. G. Dozier, Superintendent of Pacific Mail Steamship Company, foot of Fifth street.
French Teacher.
J. Josset, Graduate of the University of Paris.
Lumber Dealer.
A. H. Gilbert and Brother, corner of J and Front streets.
War Department, Etc.
War Department, Signal Service U. S. Army, Division of Telegrams and Reports for the Benefit of Commerce – J. B. Wells, Observer U. S. A.; William F. Allen, Assistant Observer U. S. A.
William Lacy, Commercial Bank Building
Civil Engineers.
C. J. Fox, Sixth street.
L. L. Lockling (City Engineer), corner of Sixth and E streets.
San Diego Water Company.
H. M. Covert, President, Eleventh street, on Park
Truckmen and Expressmen.
Larsen & Wescott, foot of Fifth street.
Wood and Coal.
T. Larsen, foot of Fifth street.
San Diego Soap Works.
J. J. Buck, proprietor.
San Diego Foundry and Machine Shop.
Corner of Eighth and M streets. Bayly Brothers, proprietors.
Stone Yard.
E. Cook, proprietor, foot of Seventh street.
San Diego Steam Flour Mill.
Corner of Twelfth and J streets. I Lankershim, proprietor. Capacity, 120 barrels per day.
Windmill Builder.
T. W. Graham, corner of Fourth and H streets.
Moulding and Planing Mills.
John Heernander, foot of Sixth street.
W.W. Terry & Co., corner of Ninth and H streets.
John Hanlon, corner of Second and G streets.
Builders’ Goods.
Hathaway & Foster, corner of Fourth and H streets.
Physicians and Surgeons.
Robert Gregg M. D., Fifth street, near F.
P. C. Remondino, M. D., Fifth street, near F.
C. M. Fenn, M. D., Fifth street, between D and E.
T. C. Stockton, M. D., corner of Fifth and E streets.
Dr. A. Condee, Horton’s Bank Block.
Dr. W. A. Wintler, Hiscock’s Building, Plaza.
G. W. Barnes, M. D. (Homoeopathist), corner of Sixth and D streets.
D. B. Hoffman, M. D., corner of Eighth and G streets.
W. W. Royal, M. D., J street, between Fourth and Fifth. (Residence, office.)
Dr. J. Allen; office, Drug Store.
D. Cave, French Dentist, Fifth street.
Dr. P. Knowlton, Plaza.
Book Stores.
Schneider & Abegg, Fifth street, importers books, stationery, chromos, picture frames, newspapers and magazines, wholesale and retail.
San Diego Milk Dairy.
D. Guion, proprietor; office Arizona Stables.
Feed Yards.
Briant’s Feed Yard, corner Ninth and I Streets; Fred. B. Lovell, proprietor.
Arizona Feed Yard, Second street.
Pioneer Feed Yard, Eight street; Wm. Tweed, prop.
Blacksmiths, Horseshoers and Wheelwrights.
P. Koster, corner of Fourth and F streets.
J. Stevens, corner of E and Second streets.
W. B. Carlton, corner of E and Second streets.
Westcott & Hattlelberg, corner of J and Eighth streets.
Wm. Whitaker, corner of Eighth and L streets.
Livery Stables.
“Fashion” Stables, corner of Second and D streets. “Pacific” Stables, corner of Fourth and E streets.
Western Union and United States Military Telegraph Office, corner D and Fifth streets; W, E. Smith, Manager.
County and City Assessor.
Mark P. Shaffer; office, Court House.
Real Estate, Etc.
C. H. Shephard & Co., Dealers in Real Estate and Agents for non-resident property owners. Searchers of Records, and Conveyancing. Office, Court House.
Carriage Repository and Manufacturers.
E. W. Morse & Co., Sixth street.
E. H. Tallmann, Sixth street.
Music Teachers.
A. Himan, Professor of Music; rooms, Third street, between C and D.
R. Waugaman, piano tuner with J. N. Young, Fifth st.
J. H. Richardson, Sign Writer and Carpet Upholsterer, Sixth st
Joseph Leonard, corner of Second and D streets.
Painter and Paper Hanger.
C. R. McLellan, Painter and Paper Hanger, Sixth street.
Parker & Parker, Sixth street.
C. P, Fessenden, foot of Sixth street.
Solomon’s, Fifth street.
“United States,” A. Kitterman, Fifth street.
“California,” Wm. Wenzel, Fifth street.
Book Binder.
R. Schieler, Fifth street.
Stage Line.
Kearns & Mitchell’s daily line of stages to Arizona and New Mexico; office, Horton House.
Attorneys at Law, Real Estate and Insurance Agents.
Luce & Porter, Attorneys at Law. Commissions concerning real estate attended to. Commercial Bank Block.
Hartman & Tyson, Attorneys at Law, corner of Front and F streets.
D. T. Phillips (City Attorney), Fifth street.
Daniel Cleveland, Attorney at Law, Sixth street.
Himbal Bros., Real Estate (National City).
J. B. Wells, Agent Aetna Life Insurance Company.
D. C. Reed, Attorney at Law, Real Estate and Insurance Agent, Plaza.
S. Statler, Notary Public and Real Estate Agent, Plaza. Arnold & Choate, Real Estate and Insurance, corner of Third and E streets.
Geo. B. Hensley, Searcher of Records, Fifth street.
C. Dunham (Postmaster), Agent Hartford Fire Insurance Company
T. S. Moore Real Estate, Fifth street.
T. J. Higgins, Real Estate and Insurance, Fifth street.
H. H. Dougherty, Plaza.
Joseph Faivre, Real Estate, Fifth street.
John J. Lyon, Searcher of Records, Fifth street.
G. N. Hitchcock, Attorney at Law, Sixth.
A. J. Chase, Insurance and Real Estate, Sixth street.
Chase & Leach, Attorneys at Law, Horton’s Bank Block.
A. E. Horton, Real Estate, Horton’s Bank Block.
J. A. Shepherd, Notary Public and Insurance Agent; with A. E. Horton.
W. Jeff Gatewood, Attorney at Law, Horton’s Bank Block.
Louis Branson, Attorney at Law, Horton’s Bank Block,
Chalmers Scott, Attorney at Law, Plaza.
G. G. Bradt, Notary Public, Real Estate and Land Agent, D street, near Horton House.
To Anaheim … 95
Los Angeles … 125
San Francisco … 450
To Julian Gold Mines … 45
Bladen Mining District … 80
San Bernardino, via Julian and Bladen Mines … 150
To Japa Placer Mines, Lower California … 90
To Fort Yuma, A.T. … 95
Tucson … 475
Ralston Silver Mines … 650
Silver City, New Mexico … 700
To Mesilla … 850
Santa Fe … 1150
North San Diego … 3
La Playa … 8
Point Loma … 11
Coronados Islands … 18
La Jolla … 12
“Old Mission” … 6
To National City … 4 1/2
Monument … 16
Sweet Water Valley … 5 1/2
Paradise Valley … 6
Otay Valley … 12
Tia Juana … 14
Cajon … 12
Jamul … 22
Milquatay … 60
Higgin’s Farm … 10
Daily Mails to San Francisco and the East; Tri-weekly Mails to Arizona and New Mexico; Semi-weekly Mails to Julian Gold Mines; Weekly Mail between San Diego and San Bernardino.
Mode of conveyance of Mails, four-horse Concord Coaches.
Land Lines of Travel from San Diego.
[From the San Diego Daily Union.]
As a matter of general public interest we have prepared a statement showing the several land lines of travel leading out of San Diego, and the distances to all important points on the routes. Beginning at home, we give the principal points in or on the borders of San Diego county with which there is regular stage communication from this city, as follows: Yuma, on the east bank of the Colorado river (which forms the eastern boundary of the county), distant from San Diego 197 miles, and reached by tri-weekly stages of the San Diego and Mesilla Overland Mail Stage line; the Julian and Banner mining districts of this county, lying northeast of San Diego, distant by one route 55 miles and by another 65 miles, and reached by Hamilton’s express wagon and by the stages of Treanor & Tweed’s line, the former leaving at intervals of about ten days apart, and the latter three times a week (Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays); San Luis Rey, northwest of San Diego and distant 45 miles, reached by the daily stage to Los Angeles; Temecula, north of San Diego and distant 60 miles, reached by Homer’s stage leaving San Diego once every fortnight; Warner’s Ranch and Agua Caliente. (Hot Springs) north-east of Sand Diego and distant 75 miles, reached by North’s stage leaving the city every Tuesday; San Bernardino, county seat of San Bernardino county, about 30 miles north of the northern boundary line of San Diego county and 120 miles distant from San Diego, reached by Homer’s stage, leaving once every fortnight.
The distances to prominent points in the Territories of Arizona and New Mexico reached by stage from San Diego are as follows. To Yuma, * via Indian Wells,* 197 miles; to Stanwix Station,* 290 miles; to Maricopa,* 380 miles; to Florence,* 424 miles, to Tucson* (Capital of Arizona) and Camp Lowell, 480 miles; to Camp Grant 488 miles; to Fort Bowie (Apache Pass) 634 miles; to Ralston, New Mexico, 672 miles; to Silver City 717 miles. The foregoing are points on the line of the great Southern Overland Mail Route, Kerens & Mitchell proprietors. Fine four-horse Concord stages, with the best stock, run over this line, stages leaving San Diego tri-weekly. Tucson, the capital of Arizona, is reached in five days from San Diego. The distaance from San Diego to Mesilla, New Mexico, is about 780 miles; Mesilla is 600 miles from the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railroad, and about the same distance from the branch of the Kansas Pacific.
To points in northern and northwestern Arizona, and New Mexico, we give the distances from San Diego as follows: To Yuma, as above stated, 197 miles, from Yuma (via the Colorado river) to Ehrenberg, 125 miles, and total distance 322 miles; to Camp Mohave (by stage) 437 miles. By branch roads from Maricopa – to Phoenix,* distance from San Diego, 405 miles; to Wickenburg, 444 miles; to Camp McDowell, 461 miles; to Prescott, (Fort Whipple) 515 miles; to Camp Verde, 622 miles; to Albuquerque, New Mexico, 918 miles; to Santa Fe, 990 miles.
Points west and north of San Diego are reached by stage as follows: Over the Los Angeles road – to San Luis Rey, 45 miles; to San Juan Capistrano, 76 miles; to Anaheim, 100 miles; to Los Angeles 124 miles: to San Bueneventura, 194 miles; to Santa Barbara, 225 miles; to San Luis Obispo, 323 miles; to Paso Robles, 351 miles; to Salinas 395 miles; [Connection at Salinas with Southern Pacific Railroad.] to Gilroy, 432 miles; to San Jose, 462 miles; to San Francisco, 516 miles.
San Francisco may also be reached by the San Joaquin Valley route as follows: San Diego to Los Angeles, 124 miles; to Bakersfield, 316 miles, connecting with the Central Pacific branch railroad via Oakland to San Francisco, total distance, 614 miles.
* U.S. Military Telegraph Stations
Booksellers, Stationers, and News Dealers,
Also, Dealers in Albums, BLANK Books, Foreign and Domestic
Stationery, Wrapping Papers, Paper Bags
Pocket Knives, Scissors, &c
Musical Instruments, Mathematical and Optical Instruments,
Globes, Maps, Compasses, Gold Scales, Travelers’ Utensils,
Games, Chromos, Picture Frames, Fancy Goods, &c.
Photographic Views of San Diego and Vicinity.
Local Agents for the San Diego Daily and Weekly Union, and
other leading papers.
A.H. WILCOX, President. E.F. SPENCE, Cashier.
J.G. ESTUDILLO, Assistant Cashier
Legal Tenders bought and sold. A general Banking business transacted.
The Bank of San Diego,
Sixth Street, between G and H.
T.L. NESMITH, President. CHAS HUBBELL, Cashier.
SATHER &: CO., San Francisco. DREXEL, MORGAN &: CO., New York.
Drafts drawn on all the principal Cities of Europe.
Continue to PHOTO PAGES.