
(Documentary Artifact): One b/w negative of an elderly woman, Leona Ardilla (also known as Squirrel or Ka’ in ish). She sits on the ground outdoors weaves a basket. Next to her are bundles of fibers and a metal pail with a label that reads: ‘REX PURE LARD’.

Caption in lower right corner: Copyright 1909/ By Ed. H. Davis

Notes on negative envelope:
86:15900-1235/ Davis Coll./ dup. Neg./ Mesa Grande/ Indian woman weaving basket/ No date

*According to additional information provided on 10/2011 by a member of the E.H. Davis Project Scholar Advisory Committee: This is a juncus basket on a grass foundation. She uses water in the lard bucket to wet the materials as she coils the basket, keeping the coiling fiber flexible. The bundles of materials to the left center of the photograph include some black dyed juncus that will be used for a design.

**According to additional information provided on 1/2012 by Patti Dixon, a member of the E.H. Davis Project Scholar Advisory Committee: This individual may have roots in Pauma as well. Ardilla is a surname carried by those of the Ka’ in ish clan which is part of Pauma.