
(Documentary Artifact): One b/w negative of an outdoor portrait of the Osuna children lined up in a row with their father, Jose Marie Osuna at the end, holding up the youngest child, Florence.
From left: Christina, Juanita, Frank, Fernando, Lily, Della, David, Florence, (father) Jose Marie Osuna

Notes on negative envelope:
86:15900-613-614/ Davis Coll./ 86 Dup/ Volcan Mt. Indian family/ Osuna/ Aug. 1909/ 2 Negs/ #614: Christina, Juanita, Frank, Fernando,/ Lily, Della, David, Florence, Father, Jose/ Marie Osuna/ #613 Back: Jose Marie Osuna/ Center: Juanita, Mother Mary Ayal? Osuna,/ Christina/
Front: Lily, Della, Florence (on lap), David,/ Frank + Fernando/ Not in picture: Jonny, John, Lydia/ Martin + Nick.

According to additional information provided on 10/2011 by Ken Hedges, Emeritus Curator of California Collections, San Diego Museum of Man and a member of the E.H. Davis Project Scholar Advisory Committee: Christina Osuna, the oldest daughter in the photos, was my consultant in an ethnobotanical field project at Santa Ysabel in 1966, and my co-author two decades later in the published version, Santa Ysabel Ethnobotany (San Diego Museum of Man, 1986, still in print). Her married names were Christina LaChapa and, in later life, Christina Beresford.