(Documentary Artifact): Two b/w photographic prints of Maria Sasada Cesario Alto (also spelled Maria Sasario Alto) sitting on the ground outdoors behind five ollas of various sizes. Two ollas have double spouts and two ollas have painted designs.
Inscription in lower right corner of image: 42
Notes on verso of prints:
Image 1: OP 12550-113/ MN 86:15752-113/ MARIA SUSGRIO ALTO AND OLLA, 1912/ LAGUNA RESERVATION
Image 2: OP 12550-113/ 86:15752-113/ MARIA SASRIO ALTO/ OLLA MAKER/ LAGUNA RES-/ (DUPLICATE)
According to additional information provided on 12/2011 by Richard Carrico, a member of the E.H. Davis Project Scholar Advisory Committee: This is Maria Sasada Cesario Alto (spelling is consistent with the spelling given by her son Thomas Lucas in 1975-1976), mother of Thomas Lucas (for interview with him see, ‘Brief Glimpse of the Kumeyaay Past: An Interview With Tom Lucas, Kwaaymii, of Laguna Ranch,’ Ed. Richard L. Carrico, Journal of San Diego History, vol. 29, number 2, Spring 1983) and the grandmother of Carmen Lucas who now (2011) lives on the old Laguna Reservation and works as a Kumeyaay consultant and elder. She was a highly skilled ceramic maker and several of her pots are in private collections from the 1900-1920 era and in the collection of the San Diego Museum of Man and the San Diego History Center. SDHC has three of her pots [1900.23.1, 30.12.2, 53.4.3]. Her work was unique in its use of ‘coffee bean’ eyes on pots and figurines perhaps emulating that style from contact San Diego and the Sacaton Phase of Arizona. SDHC also has a collection of photos that depict Tom Lucas’ mother, grandmother, and life in 1910-1930 era at the old Laguna Reservation –now the Laguna Ranch of Maria Alto’s granddaughter Carmen Lucas.