OP 12550-126

(Documentary Artifact): Three b/w photographic prints of an elderly woman, Mit-iss-quish’, outside her home built of branches and logs. She holds a walking stick and wears a long-sleeve shirt and long skirt. An upside down olla is on the ground next to her.

Notes on verso of print:
Image 1: OP 12550-126/ 86:15752-126/ MANZANITA – CAMPO INDIAN/ MIT-ISS-QUISH/ 49/ 1910
Image 2: [Same as Image 1]/ (DUPLICATE)
Image 3: OP 12550-126/ 86:15752-126/ IN REF BOOK/ 1901?/[Written by Davis:] Mit-iss-quish’ at her home./ Manzanita/ June 3 1910/ EHD

According to additional information provided on 12/2011 by a member of the E.H. Davis Project Scholar Advisory Committee: Hair cut short is typical of someone in mourning.

According to additional information provided by the community on 10/2011: Her name is also spelled Mishquish.