OP 12550-78

(Documentary Artifact): Two b/w photographic prints of an elderly man, Jose Maria Quilp (possibly also known as Michi Ha Yal Equilp). He sits on the ground holding an oval shaped stone in one hand over a flat rock. Next to him is a pile of acorns. Behind him is a structure made of brush and a man with a horse. Notes on verso of the prints indicate that Jose Maria Quilp was found dead on Christmas in 1904. According to Davis’ notes in Notebook 4, he is the last chief of Matawhy (Mataguay) Indians.

Notes on verso of print:
Image 1: OP #12550-78/ MN 86:15752-78/ 1904/ OLD JOSE MARIA QUILP/ MATIONY/ FOUND DEAD AT XMAS, 1904/ IN REF BOOK
Image 2: OP #12550-78 (DUPLICATE)/ MN 86:15752-778/ 1904/ OLD JOSE MARIA QUILP/ MATIOHY/ / 28/ MICHI HA YAL EQUILP

According to additional information provided on 12/2011 by a member of the E.H. Davis Project Scholar Advisory Committee: The flat stone is used as a base to crack open the acorns with the round stone that he is holding in his hand.