OP 13029-182C

(Documentary Artifact): Two b/w photographic prints of John Burton with a shovel standing next to a row of burial pits which are filled in and banked up. The pit he stands next to is the last of a long line of crematory mounds extending to the south for several hundred feet.

Same image as the National Museum of the American Indian (NMAI) print, P03797. According to catalog record for this image, the man is John Burson.

Notes on verso of prints:
Image 1: OP 13029-182C/ 87:16080-182C/ IN REF BOOK/ [Written by Davis:] John Burton/ with mound raised/ over burial pit./ The last of a long/ line of crematory/ mounds./ In this cemetery all/ the dead are cremated./ Mojave – Parker Ariz./ Nov. 1920/ EH Davis
Image 2: OP 13029-182C/ 87:16080-182C/ John Burton/ with crematory pit/ all filled and banked/ up. The last of a long/ line of crematory mounds/ extending to the South/ Several hundred feet. This/ is one of a series of/ similar mounds./ Nov. 24 1920/ Mojave. Parker, Ariz/ E.H.D.