OP 13029-486

(Documentary Artifact): Three b/w photographic prints of (L-R) two Akimel O’odham (Pima) men, Joseph Head, also named Coi-a-ma-auk (Rattlesnake Head), and interpreter, Henry Soatikee, sitting outside a house with thatched roof with Head’s carved, wooden calendar stick which documents Pima history from 1832-1920.

Notes on verso of prints:
Image 1: OP 13029-486/ 87:16080-486/ IN REF BOOK/ JOURNAL INDICATES DATE/ TO BE JAN. 4/ [Written by Davis:] Joseph Head/ owner of calendar/ stick + Henry/ Soatikee, interpreter/ Pima Inds – near/ Gila Crossing/ Jan 9 1920/ EH Davis
Image 2: [Same as Image 1]
Image 3: OP 13029-486/ 87:16080-486/ 11a/ [Written by Davis:] Joseph Head/ with calendar stick/ + Henry Soatikee/ interpreter/ deciphering the/ history stick./ Jan 4 1921/ Near Gila Crossing/ EH Davis