OP 13029-876

(Documentary Artifact): One b/w photographic print of an unidentified man dancing under a shelter made of brush and logs. A man playing a violin sits on a bench. Another male dancer wearing cocoon ankle rattles stands behind him. A young girl and a woman sit on the ground nearby.

Same image as the Smithsonian’s National Museum of the American Indian (NMAI) print, P01985. Notes associated with this image state: ‘Pascola solo dance, deer dance (Easter fiesta); a man dances under a shelter while wearing a mask, a kilt, and cocoon rattles on his ankles. Another dancer, a woman, a child, and a violin player are in the background.’
The culture/people are Yoeme (Yaqui) [Pascua Yaqui].

Notes on verso of print:
OP S 13029-876/ 87:16080-876/ ?/ ?/ TWO INDIAN DANCERS AT/ CEREMONY IN RAMADA. NO I.D.