(Documentary Artifact): Two b/w photographic prints of a fisherman’s son, Manuel Alcantar, standing on the beach next to a row boat and holding a coil of rope or line. He wears shorts and an open collared shirt.
Notes on verso of prints:
Image 1: OP 14961-111/ 88:17050-111/ 4/ B/4-2/ MAR. 14, 1926/ SANTA ROSALIA, BC SUR/ Manuel Alcantar, FISHERMAN’s / BOY/ c/o Felicitas Alcantar/ Sta Rosalia/ BAJA CALIF
Image 2: OP 14961-111/ 88:17050-111/ 4/ B/4-2/ MAR. 14, 1926/ SANTA ROSALIA/ BAJA CALIF/ MANUEL ALCANTAR/ FISHERMAN’S BOY