(Documentary Artifact): Two b/w photographic prints of three Yaqui Indian musicians playing an instrument called a raspara. Notes on verso of print state: ‘Using a notched stick, resting on a gourd and scraping up and down with another stick, giving a hollow, scraping sound.’
Same image as the National Museum of the American Indian (NMAI) print, P01982. According to catalog record for this image, the three musicians are at a deer-dance, Easter fiesta near Tucson, Arizona.
Notes on verso of prints:
Image 1: OP 14961-1192/ 88:17050-1192/ VICAM-SONORA-YAQUI/ c 1922/ Yaqui Indians using a notched/ stick resting on a gourd and/ scraping up and down with/ another stick, gives a hollow/ scraping sound – name – Raspara/ [Stamped:] ED. H. DAVIS/ Mesa Grande, Calif.
Image 2: OP 14961-1192/ 88:17050-1192/ VICAM-SONORA-YAQUI/ c 1922/ Yaqui Inds – Musicians/ Sonora -/ Using a notched stick, resting/ on a gourd and scraping up/ and down with another stick, giving a hollow, scraping/ sound. It is called a ‘RASPARA’.