OP 14961-126

(Documentary Artifact): Three b/w photographic prints of the Mission San Ignacio bell with a man, possibly named Gail, sitting below it.

Notes on verso of prints:
Image 1: OP 14961-126/ 88:17050-126/ B/ 5-9/Mar. 15, 1926/ SAN IGNACIO BC SUR/C 1926/ MISSION BELL WITH/ GAIL (?) BELOW
Image 2: OP 14961-126/ 88:17050-126/ 5/B/ 5-9/ 3-15-26/ Bell Tower/ San Ignacio/ WITH Gail below
Image 3: OP 14961-126/ 88:17050-126/5/ SAN IGNACIO/ BAJA CALIF./ MARCH 15 1926/ VIEW OF MISSION BELL WITH/ GAIL (?) SITTING BELOW IT