(Documentary Artifact): One b/w photographic print of arrow points, steatite (stone) tubes, spear point and knife point displayed against a wooden plank background. These items are the collection of Padre Cesar Castaldi. According to the Negative Log Book: ‘E.H. Davis’ Identified Source as follows: beginning at left upper corner: 1 Mulege; 2 Mulege 3 Patro-cinio, near San Ignacio; 4 Mulege; 5 Mulege; 6 & 7 Purificacion (La Paz); 8 Mulege; 9 San Luis (Near La Paz); 10 Calmage; 11 San Ignacio. Steatite tubes from San Francisco, Mulege & San Jose Del Gracia. Very large spear point, La Paz. Semi-circular knife point, La Paz. Large arrow point, La Paz.’
Notes on verso of print:
OP 14961-198/ 88:17050-198/ 16/ 16-1/ 4/3/26/ ARROW POINTS & STONE TUBES/ COLLECTED BY SR. DON CESAR/ CASTALDI, PADRE, MULEGE/ Mulege/ April 2-3? 1926