(Documentary Artifact): Two b/w photographic prints of an outdoor portrait of Maria Dolores Delgado. According to notes on the verso of the print, she is a resident of San Javier and is over 100 years old. Her mother was Mayo Indian from Santa Cruz and father was Mexican. She only speaks Spanish.
Notes on verso of prints:
Image 1: OP 14961-223/ 88:17050-223/ 19/ 19-5/ 4/10/26/ PORTRAIT OF MARIA DOLORES DELGADO,/ SAN JAVIER RESIDENT OVER 100 YRS/ OLD. MOTHER WAS A MAYO INDIAN FROM/ SANTA CRUZ, FATHER A MEXICAN. SHE/ ONLY SPEAKS MEXICAN/ Portrait Maria Dolores Delgado/ over 100 years old/ April 10, 1926
Image 2: [Same as Image 1]