(Documentary Artifact): Two b/w photographic prints of an outdoor portrait of a Huichol messenger, Caledonio Carrillo. Edward H. Davis traded with him a bow and arrows for the manta (fabric) hanging at his side.
Notes on verso of prints:
Image 1: OP 14961-588/ 88:17050-588/ SAN ANDRES COAMIATA [Cohamiata]/ JALISCO/ HUICHOL INDIANS/ c 1923/ [Written by Davis:] Huicholi messenger/ with manta hanging at/ his side which we/ have just trade for/ bow + arrows-/ San Andes/ EHD/ 164
Image 2: OP 14961-588/ 88:17050-588/ SAN ANDRES COAMIATA [Cohamiata]/ JALISCO/ HUICHOLE/ c 1923/ SEE SECOND COPY/ 16