(Documentary Artifact): One b/w photographic print of three carriers of Davis’ group standing in profile and carrying loads of goods Davis purchased in Mexico. They are (L-R) Epimenio Madero, Jose Maria Madero, and Santiago Alvarez. Notes on the verso of the print state: ‘These men carried their loads over 100 miles over the Mts on foot @ 1[.]50 mex pr. day[.] One way[.]’
Notes on verso of print:
OP 14961-786/ 88:17050-786/ TEPIC/ NAYARIT/ CORA INDS./ APR 1923/ L TO R. EPIMERIO MADERO, JOSE MARIA MADERO AND/ SANTIAGO ALVAREZ/ [Written by Davis:] Our 3 carriers. These/ men carried their/ loads over 100 miles/ over the Mts on foot/ @ 1[.]50 mex pr. day one/ way/ Apl. 7 1923/ EHD