OP 14961-833

(Documentary Artifact): Three b/w photographic prints Dionisio Pulido standing in front of his home in Paricutin which was covered in lava and destroyed by the Paricutin Volcano.

Notes on verso of prints:
Image 1: OP 14961-833/ 88:17050-833/ PARACUTIN [Paricutin] VOLCANO/ URUAPAN/ MICHOCAN/ DEC. 1945/ Dionicio [Dionisio] Pulido at his/ house in Paracutin [Paricutin] – now/ buried in lava./ Dec 1945/ [Stamped:] ED. H. DAVIS/ Mesa Grande, Calif.
Image 2: OP 14961-833/ 88:17050-833/ PARACUTIN [Paricutin] VOLCANO/ URUAPAN/ MICHOCAN/ DEC. 1945/ Dionico [Dionisio] Pulido – his/ house at Paracutin [Paricutin]/ Mexico – destroyed by/ Volcano in his yard. 1945/ [Stamped:] ED. H. DAVIS/ Mesa Grande, Calif.
Image 3: OP 14961-833/ 88:17050-833/ PARACUTIN [Paricutin] VOLCANO/ URUAPAN/ MICHOCAN/ DEC. 1945/ Dioncio [Dionisio] Pulido/ Volcano Paracutin [Paricutin]/ broke out here/ Mexico/ [Stamped:] ED. H. DAVIS/ Mesa Grande, Calif.