OP 15362-982

(Documentary Artifact): One b/w photographic print of a blind man, Lucario Cuevish (also spelled Locario Chavish/Chaves/Chavez), standing in a field, holding a wooden walking stick. He is barefoot and wears a collared shirt, pants, and belt. As noted in Davis’ notebook (Notebook 13), although blind, he would easily walk many miles on trails alone without getting lost or injured.

Notes on verso of print:
OP 15362-982/ 86:15900-1975/ IN REF BOOK/ Locario Chavez/ STANDING IN FIELD/ 1912/ Rincon/ totally blind

According to additional information provided on 10/2011 by Ken Hedges, Emeritus Curator of California Collections, San Diego Museum of Man and a member of the E.H. Davis Project Scholar Advisory Committee: The name of this man is generally spelled Lucario Cuevish. He was a major consultant for Constance DuBois in her studies of Luiseño religion. I have never seen the name rendered as ‘Chavez.’ See also OP 12550-38 and 39 and 86:15900-974 for other photos of the same man.