
Lloyd Ruocco Collection.

Lloyd Ruocco.


183 photographic prints: b&w, some color; 13.5 x 10.5 in. or smaller.
18 slides: color; 35 mm.
1 album (26 photographic prints): b&w; 13.5 x 10.5 in.
13 negatives: safety film, b&w; 4 x 5 in.

Photographic Prints: OP 17127/0-199.
Copy Negatives: 99:19895-19901, 2002/001.31-34, and 2002/001.47-49.

San Diego Historical Society
Booth Historical Photograph Archives
P.O. Box 81825
San Diego, CA 92138

Gift of Ralph T. Ruocco, 1992 (822-D).

Open for research.

For permission to reproduce or publish, contact the curator of the Booth Historical Photograph Archives at the San Diego Historical Society. Reproduction or publication of any part of this collection must include the following information next to the image(s) or in a special section of credits: Lloyd Ruocco Collection, San Diego History Center: Booth Historical Photograph Collection.

Arrangement by subject and size. Forms part of the San Diego History Center Original Print and Negative Collection. Accompanied by photocopies of letters to Ruocco, magazine articles, and other items.

The architect Lloyd Ruocco was born in Maine in 1907 and moved to the Santee area in 1922. He graduated from the University of California at Berkeley in 1933. In his early years, Ruocco worked with architect Lillian Rice and the Requa and Jackson architecture firm. Ruocco became well known for designing houses and public buildings, including the Civic Theater and the Design Center on 5th Avenue. He also helped found the Allied Artists’ Council of San Diego and the civic organization, Citizen’s Coordinate for Century-Three. In 1974, he was elected “Fellow” of the American Institute for Architecture. Ruocco was married to Ilse Hamann Ruocco, a professor of Art at San Diego State University. Lloyd Ruocco passed away in 1981.

This collection documents the architectural work of Lloyd Ruocco. The collection contains photographs, slides, negatives and an album of images of the Ruocco residences in La Mesa and Alvarado Estates, the construction of the San Diego County Administration Building, the Design Center on 5th Avenue, KOGO AM-FM/TV studios, Geophysics building on the University of California, San Diego campus, San Diego Civic Theater and community concourse. Also includes artists’ renderings of Security First National Bank in Carlton Hills and Avocado Professional Group Medical and Dental Center as well as a model home designed by Ilse Ruocco.

Ruocco, Lloyd,1907-1981.
Architecture – California – San Diego County.
Houses – California – San Diego County.
Buildings – California – San Diego County.
Building construction – California – San Diego County.


Box 1  
Folder 1  
OP 17127/0-29 Construction of the San Diego Civic Center (now County Administration Building), 1936-1937.
Folder 2  
OP 17127/30-48 Construction of the San Diego Civic Center (now County Administration Building), 1936-1937, including views of the finished building.
Folder 3  
OP 17127/49-56 The Design Center building at 3601 5th Avenue, ca. 1949. Includes a photograph of Lloyd Ruocco standing in front of the building.
Folder 4  
OP 17127/57-65 Exterior and interior views of the Ruocco residence located on 5481Toyon Drive in the Alvarado Estates, 195-.
Folder 5  
Op 17127/66-67 Views of San Diego Zoo exhibits including Children’s Zoo [?] between 1957 and 1961.
Folder 6  
OP 17127/68-74 Exterior views and construction of the KOGO AM/FM-TV studios, ca. 1964.
Folder 7  
OP 17127-75 Artist’s rendering of the Security First National Bank in Carlton Hills, ca. 1961.
Folder 8  
OP 17127/76-95 Interior and exterior views of the Geophysics Building on the University of California at San Diego campus, 1964.
Folder 9  
OP 17127-96 Artist’s rendering of the Avocado Professional Group Medical and Dental Center, ca. 1967.
Folder 10  
OP 17127/97-107 Artist’s renderings and interior and exterior views of the San Diego Civic Theater, 1973. Includes views of the construction of the theater and Community Concourse.
Folder 11  
OP 17127/108-114 The Design Center’s decorated model home by Ilse Ruocco.
Folder 12  
OP 17127/115-118 Interior and exterior views of a church, name and location unknown.
Folder 13  
OP 17127/119-123 Miscellaneous views including a model of a church, fountain, and sculpture by Donal Hord.
Box 2 — Oversize  
Folder 14  
OP 17127/124-125.1 Portraits of Lloyd and Ilse Ruocco.
Folder 15  
OP 17127/125.2-134 Interior views of the Ruocco residence in La Mesa, including view of the bathroom with a live apple tree towel bar.
Folder 16  
OP 17127/135-141 Interior views of the Ruocco residence in La Mesa.
Folder 17  
OP 17127/142-150 Exterior views of the Ruocco residence in La Mesa.
Folder 18  
OP 17127/151-154 Mostly interior views of the Geophysics Building on the UCSD campus, ca. 1964.
Folder 19  
OP 17127-155 Photograph of Pioneer Church located on Fairfield Street in Clairemont.
Folder 20  
OP 17127/156-157 Exhibit of Ruocco’s work [?]; unidentified fountain sculpture.
Folder 21  
OP 17127/158-173 Color slides of the Design Center; the John J. Montgomery Wing, a memorial designed by Ruocco; a living room, designed by Ruocco [?]
Folder 22  
Album 1 OP17127/174-199. Lloyd Ruocco’s disbound portfolio containing photographs of his home in La Mesa.
Located in SDHC Negative Files 99:19895-19901 Design Center building on 5th Avenue, matches OP 17127/49-56.
2002/001.31-34 Ruocco residence in La Mesa; portraits of Lloyd and Ilse Ruocco, matches OP 17127/124-127.
2002/001.47-49 Ruocco residence in La Mesa, matches images from Album 1.