MAY 25, 6:30 PM – 8:00 PM
How did the San Diego we see today come to be? Join us for an evening of learning and discussing the history of our region’s development and the key moments and people that were responsible for the built environment we experience today.
The documentary film, Connecting Paradiseexplores San Diego’s historic visions by examining public planning strategies beginning in the late 1800’s through today’s ambitious plans for the 21st Century. The film also examines the issues of leadership and diversity and the role they play in San Diego’s development. The film includes interviews with key participants in planning, designing, and writing about San Diego.
Connecting Paradiseisproduced by Brian Mooney and Rick Engineering with the support of SANDAG. Brian Mooney is the managing principal of the Community Planning and Sustainable Development Division at Rick Engineering. He has more than 40 years’ experience in planning, public outreach, environmental analysis and research and development of public policy. He is highly respected in public and private planning arenas and is a member of the College of Fellows of the American Institute of Certified Planners. Brian received a B.A. in anthropology from San Diego State University and an M.A. in urban history from the University of San Diego.
Arrive early to mingle and enjoy light snacks and no host refreshments!
Howard Blackson, CSUN Urban Designer
Marcus Bush, National City Councilman
Collen Clementson AICP, Deputy Director SANDAG
Vicki Estrada FALSA, Landscape Architect
Brian Mooney (Moderator), Planner and Principal with Rick Engineering
Roger Showley, Author and Retired Journalist
5:30 pm: Doors open, reception. Beer and wine available for purchase
6:30 pm: Program begins with film, followed by Q&A with panelists
8:00 pm: Program concludes
Free SDHC Members / $10 General