On the Home Front: San Diego 1914-1918
December 11, 2018 from 1-2pm at the San Diego History Center
On the second Tuesday of each month, watch a presentation at 1:00 pm in our Thornton Theater.
Poor isolated little San Diego was far from the battlefields of Europe where the “Great War” was being fought. However, that conflict did eventually have repercussions in San Diego, disrupting business and social life, but also giving rise to new technologies for the military. Linda will talk about the impact of having a major Army training base created on the outskirts of the city, the rise of the Navy, and how the community reacted to the influx of people. Find out how San Diego’s women’s clubs, churches, and high school students contributed to the war effort on the home front.
About the Free Tuesday Talk Series Come to the History Center on the second Tuesday of each month for a presentation about our shared history—both popular and obscure—and uncover something new! Join a monthly conversation about San Diego’s untold stories relevant to a changing community. Free Tuesday Talks are always free with Give Forward admission.
Presented by Linda Canada, SDHC Community Historian and former archivist and president of the Japanese American Historical Association.