Exposition Postcards ~ Postcard Index ~ Poster Cards
Exposition Cancels ~ Rare Exposition Postcards ~ Exposition Postcards by Allen Wright
GM 770 Anonymous Real Photos – black/white on tan paper with wide white border
no titles or subtitles front or back
printed on Velox paper with diamonds in corner of stamp box
- (southwest arcade entrance to Foreign Arts Building – horizontal view)
- (arcade on north side of Montezuma Gardens – vertical view)
- (lagoon looking south from Botanical Building – horizontal view)
Notes: I have no evidence that these cards were made during the Exposition but the landscaping suggests that they were 1915 or shortly thereafter. Please notify me if you have a date on one of these.
Their style is very similar to anonymous GM 760.
Andreas Brown indicates that this stamp box (VELOX with diamonds in corners and POST CARD in simple block letters) was used from 1910-1917).