APRIL 13, 6:00 PM
Try To Remember, Never Forget: To Know Our Future We Must Learn From Our Past
Join the Women’s Museum of California and the San Diego History Center on April 13 at 6:00 PM for a special presentation to commemorate Holocaust Remembrance Day (Yom Hashoah) and honor the survivors by keeping their stories alive.
Sandra Scheller, the daughter of Holocaust survivors, will share her family’s story as well as the stories of women that survived the Holocaust and thrived in San Diego County.
Her unique presentation includes artifacts from the Holocaust including the yellow star and dress that was worn by her Grandmother in Auschwitz. Through artifacts and personal experiences, Sandra shares what life was like for her mother from 1941 when she entered Theresienstadt until 1945 when her mother was liberated. Photos included in this presentation were saved by a non-Jewish relative.
About the speaker: Sandra Scheller is a USC Shoah interviewer, the creator of RUTH Remember The Holocaust an exhibit featuring San Diego County Holocaust survivors, the creator of Art From the Holocaust at Comic-Con INC, and the author of Try To Remember Never Forget. Sandra is the recipient of the San Diego Academia Teaching Legacy Award and won Best Documentary 2018 Multicultural Motional Picture award.
The Program is free but RVSP is required.