The Journal of San Diego History
January 1955, Volume 1, Number 1

CASUALTIES OF 1954 The year of 1954 perhaps was no more harsh on landmarks than others have been – but it saw the destruction of several old San Diego homes, including what some considered to be the two best examples of the “gingerbread” architecture of what then was a very young city.

Top, the Overbaugh house, which stood at the northeast corner of Sixth and Beach Streets. It was built in 1873, and was kept in a good state of repair until the time of its demolition last spring. The land was used for office buildings.

Center, the “Story House” – for several years the home of H. L. Story, one of the developers of Coronado, but actually built in 1873 by A. E. Hinchman. It was demolished in September to make way for a parking lot, at the southeast corner of First and A Streets.

Bottom, the Arnold House at the northwest corner of Sixth and Juniper Streets. Built in 1895, it showed a marked trend away from the jigsaw and lathe-turned decorations of the Elegant Eighties. Torn down last summer, its site now is occupied by a clinic.