The Journal of San Diego History
Winter 1970, Volume 16, Number 1
Linda Freischlag, Editorial Assistant

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Cover Image

Cover Image:

David Brockman, Artist.

Charles Hatfield

Page 2. [Charles Hatfield]

Charles Hatfield's business card

Page 5.
Charles Hatfield’s business card showing the four towers above Crows Landing in Stanislaus County, 1907-08.

Hatfield tower and camp

Page 6.
The Hatfield tower and camp on the
Marceline Roberts ranch above Colinga in 1924.

Hatfield tower at Morena reservoir

Page 8.
The Hatfield tower
at Morena reservoir in 1916.

Charles Hatfield

Page 9.
Charles Hatfield posing for a magazine writer in 1919, three years after the Hat­field flood in San Diego County.

Celebrating the first spill from the Lower Otay reservoir

Page 10.
Celebrating the first spill from the Lower Otay reservoir, January 21, 1916. Al Wueste is wearing the military hat.

Page 12.
Hatfield’s press notice in the San Diego Union, February 5, 1916.

Page 16.
The site of Lower Otay dam, February 7, 1916, after its destruction.

Concrete bridge in Old Town

Page 18.
Concrete bridge in Old Town, San Diego, on January 28, 1916.
(Title Insurance and Trust Company)

Morena reservoir

Page 20.
The Morena reservoir after the Hatfield flood, January 27, 1916. The dam is off scene to the left.


Page 20.
13th and M Streets, San Diego, on January 27, 1916.
(Title Insurance and Trust Company)

Hatfield in 1931

Page 23.
Charles Hatfield in 1931 at age 56. He was in the news during negotiations with Big Bear Committee. At right are evaporation pans.

Sweetwater Dam damage

Page 25.
Remains of Sweetwater Dam in 1916.
(Title Insurance and Trust Company)

Hatfield at age 82

Page 27.
Charles M. Hatfield at age 82 shortly before his death in January 1958.