The Journal of San Diego History
Winter 1977, Volume 23, Number 1
James E. Moss, Editor
Thomas L. Scharf, Assistant Editor
Dear Editor:
Being a long-time member of the San Diego History Center, I feel in a position to offer sincere congratulations on the relentless improvement of the Journal over recent years. The quality of this publication is second to none in its field.
I would like to add my enjoyment of the article by Dr. Paul Ezell in the Fall ’76 issue of the Journal-a factual and scholarly presentation from start to end. I believe there may be one small error, and at the risk of being a “nitpicker,” may I ask if the oft-repeated `Pedrella’ (mentioned twice on the plan of the chapel, p. 7 and elsewhere) should not be `predella’-i.e. the platform upon which an altar is erected?
Dr. Joseph F. Rossi
Executive Secretary
Music Commission
Diocese of San Diego
Dr. Rossi is absolutely correct. Both the author and the editor send our thanks to Dr. Rossi for correcting this error. Ed.
Dear Editor:
I was pleased to see the article in the Fall issue of the Journal of San Diego History on our patron saint, San Diego de Alcalá. However, there are several errors in the article which, I believe, need correction.
In the first paragraph the article refers to Father Diego de San Nicolas del Puerto when actually the patron of our city was not a Franciscan father but rather a Franciscan brother.
In addition the article mentions Fray Diego attended the canonization in Rome of St. Bernard of Sena whereas it was actually the canonization of St. Bernardine of Siena. In this connection it is noteworthy that the first place in California established by the Franciscans was San Diego and the last assistencia they established was in San Bernardino, named in honor of the saint whose canonization Fray Diego attended in Rome.
In several places mention is made of Fray Diego’s reputation as an orator in Rome and his preaching at the University of Alcalá in Spain. As a lay brother, it is very unlikely that he would have been engaged in preaching or oratory. Both in Rome and Alcalá he was an infirmarian, taking care of the sick and feeding the poor.
The renaming of this area by Vizcaíno was undoubtedly because of the feast of San Diego on November 13 which occurred during his visit since this was the Spanish custom of the time.
It is my sincere hope that in the future we will have more information regarding the patron saint of this very beautiful corner of our country.
Rev. Msgr. I. Brent Eagen
Diocesan Office for Apostolic Ministry
Alcala Park, San Diego
In his original manuscript the author did have Diego identified as a brother, not a ,father. An error in editing and transcription resulted in the change. We apologize for the mistake.