agua caliente | hot water |
agua tapada | lukewarm water |
alamito | small poplar |
álamo | poplar, cottonwood tree (Populus fremontii) |
arroyo | rivulet, brook |
aura | turkey buzzard or turkey vulture (Cathartes aura) |
ballena | whale |
binorama (huisache) | acacia tree(Acasia farnesiana) |
boca | mouth (of a river) |
calaveras de gentiles | skulls of pagans |
cañada | valley |
candelaria | feast of the purification of the Blessed Virgin Mary, (2 February) |
candelero | candle stick |
cardón | giant cactus(Pachycereus pringlei) |
carpintero | woodpecker |
carrizal | giant reed-grass(Arundo donax) |
casa de Montezuma | Montezuma’s house |
casa pintada | the painted house |
chacuacua | california quail(Lophortyx californicus) |
chaparral | collective name for a group of, usually thorny plants or dwarf trees; terrain covered with these plants |
chicuacua | see note 91 |
chicuate | owl of the plains(Glaudicium brasilianum) |
chile con carne | ground meat with pepper sauce |
choya(= cholla) | a cactus species (Opuntia cholla) |
chuparosa (= chupamirto) | colibri, hummingbird |
churéa | roadrunner(Geococcyx californianus) |
concho | shell |
confituria(=confitura) | mulberry tree (trophis mexicana) see note 86 |
coromuel | apparently a southern wind, see note 47 |
corrál | stock yard, barnyard |
coyote | prairie wolf |
cueva | grotto, cave |
cuevita | small cave |
damiana | damiana (Turnera diffusa), see notes 58 and 72 |
defunto | deceased |
desecho | dried out |
dispensa | exemption |
ensenada | cove, small bay |
frijol | kidney bean |
gallina | chicken |
garza | white heron(Ardea blanca, Garzetta candissima) |
golondrina | an Euphorbia species (Euphorbia prostrata or E. leucophylla) |
huamoche (= guamúchil) | a tamarind, see note 60 |
huerta | vegetable garden, orchard |
huitacoche (= cuicacoche) | cactus wren (Campylorhynchus brunneicapillum) |
huitacochone | apparently some bird, see note 43 |
indicios de la gentildad | traces of the heathens |
lachusa (= lechusa) | a small owl (Strix passerina) |
laguna | lagoon |
lariate | lariat, see note 62 |
lazo | lasso |
legua | Spanish mile, see note 83 |
liza‘ | a mullet species(Mugil cephalus), see note 74 |
machete | cutlass |
madroño | madroño, arbute tree (Arbutus menziesii) |
mangle | mangrove (Rhizophora mangle) |
manita(= manito) | a small pestle, see note 70 |
manta raya | giant ray, manta ray(Raia gigantea) |
mesa | table land |
metate | grindstone for corn, mortar |
mesquite | mesquite (Prosopissp.) |
mezcal | an Agave species |
modus operandi(lat.) | procedure |
mono | caricature, see note 98 |
montanero | mountaineer |
muchacho | boy, youngster |
naturalista | naturalist |
nolens volens(lat.) | unwillingly |
olla | cauldron, cooking pot |
onza | Mexican cougar(Felis onza) |
orchilla | archil, a lichen producing a violet dye, chilla weed (Lichen roccella) |
palo de la flecha | “jumping bean tree” (Sebastiana sp.) |
palo incino | evergreen oak |
panoche(= panocha) | raw sugar |
parrita | small grape vine |
pascóla | a Yaqui dance, see note101 |
péon | laborer |
pichilingue | a nickname for old-time pirates |
piedra de los viejos | the stone of the ancients |
piedra pintada | painted rock, rock covered with petroglyphs |
pinole | a kind of food, see note 92 |
pintura | painting |
pita | an Aloe species, a fibre producing plant |
pitahaya | the fruit of several genera of Cactus, see notes41, 57 |
pito real | “Royal woodpecker”(Melanerpes formicivorus angustifrons) |
playita | small beach |
quelele | carrion hawk, crested carcara(Polyborus cheriway) |
quien sabe | who knows? |
rancheria | group of huts, village |
ranchero | farmer |
rancho | a hut, farm |
rincon | corner |
roble | oak tree (Quercus grisea) |
salado | salty |
salina | salt pan |
sarapé (= serape) | serape, poncho, a blanket with a slit in the middle, worn as an outer garment |
señor | gentleman, “mister.” |
señorita | young lady |
señorita ranchera | farm girl |
siempre viva | a species of several genera of plants which revive after having been dry for a long time. see note 73. |
sierra | mountain range |
sombrero | hat |
sonagé | a tambourine |
spiacevole ed orrida (it.) | disagreeable and dreadful |
taco | a palm tree (Latiana borbonica) |
tapacamina | lesser nighthawk (Chordeillis acutipennis) |
teneboi | an ankle bracelet with tinkling objects |
terra incognita (lat.) | unknown territory |
tijereta | frigate bird (fregata minor) |
tintero | inkwell |
tintorera | female shark |
tortilla | corn meal cake |
trucha | trout (Agonostoma nasutum) |
venta | inn |
yerba (= hierba) de la flecha | “arrow tree” (Sapium biloculare), see note 94. |
zalate | fig tree (Ficus padifolia, F. palmeri) |
zenzóntle | mockingbird (Mimus polyglottus) |
zorrillo | skunk (Mephitis putorius) |