The Journal of San Diego History
Spring 1979, Volume 25, Number 2
Thomas L. Scharf, Managing Editor
By Bruce Kamerling
Irving Gill article ~ Images from the article ~ List of Gill projects
Chronological listing of known projects by Irving Gill and his associates in San Diego County. Dated in parentheses indicate Original drawings on file at the University Of California in Santa Barbara. Present status is given when Known.
1895 George G. Garrettson Res., 2410 E St., San Diego (somewhat remodeled)
1896 Granger Music Hall, 4th near Palm, National City (moved and under restoration)
1897? Abel H. Frost Res., 2456 Broadway, San Diego (under restoration)
1897? Mr. Gail Nichols Cottage, 750 Adella, Coronado (somewhat remodeled)
1897 Partnership with William Hebbard begins
Mary Cossitt Res. #1, 1704 Visalia Row, Coronado (moved but apparently intact)
U.S. Grant, Jr., Bldg., 4th bet. Broadway 8 C St., San Diego (demolished)
Los Baños Bathhouse, 735 W. Broadway, San Diego (demolished)
McKenzie, Flint 8 Winsby Bldgs., S. E. & W. corn. 5th 8 K, San Diego (nearly intact)
John Osborn Res., 2073 Logan, San Diego (intact)
San Diego Land R Town Co., Bldg., National City
State Normal School (started 1897, finished 1903, San Diego (demolished)
1898 Mrs. Margaret V. Carroll Res., 3770 5th Ave., San Diego (demolished)
Mendell C. Churchill Res., S.E. cor. 4th & Orange, Coronado (moved & remodeled)
Mary Cossitt Res. #2, 1037 Star Park Circle, Coronado (intact)
John H. Kleine Res., Lakeside
George McKenzie Res., 208 W. Kalmia, San Diego (demolished)
Mary C. Pratt Res., 1517 Inez PL; Coronado (intact) Residence, 4th near Date (demolished)
Mrs. H.L. Shepard, San Diego
Anson P. Stephens Res. (8-9-98- 1-3-Ot), 711 A St., Coronado (greatly enlarged, carriage house at 723 A St.)
Ernest E. White Res., 136 Redwood St., San Diego (nearly intact)
1899 Mary Cossitt Res. #3, 1127 Flora, Coronado (intact)
Mrs. P.O. Josse Bldg., 515 Broadway, San Diego (demolished)
George Kroenert Res., possibly house at 1471 8th Ave., San Diego
1900? Residence, 1604 7th Ave., San Diego (intact)
1900 Waldo Waterman Res. “Granite Cottage,” 237 W. Hawthorne, San Diego (nearly intact)
Southwest Investment Co. Bldg., San Diego (demolished?)
1901 San Diego Gas Works (additions), San Diego
Elwyn B. Gould Res., 234 W. Juniper, San Diego (greatly remodeled)
Mary A. Sterrett Res., 542 22nd St., San Diego (nearly intact)
Miss Way Res., 419 Redwood, San Diego (demolished) 1902
El Cajon Presbyterian Church, El Cajon (demolished)
Louis Fritz Res., 1572 1 st Ave., San Diego (demolished)
Johnson Puterbaugh Res., 2970 2nd Ave., San Diego (intact)
Bartlett Richards Res., 1015 Ocean Bivd., Coronado (greatly enlarged)
1903 Mrs. Ida D. Chappell Res., 231 Ivy St., San Diego (possibly now duplex at 227-29 Ivy)
Capt. W. Mifflin Smith (alterations), 2508 1st Ave., San Diego (orig. Timken house, still standing)
George Tanner Res., 2419 Market St., San Diego (demolished?)
William H. Porterfield Cottage, S.W. cor. 2nd 8 Upas, San Diego (probably never built)
1904 William Stewart Res., 942 23rd St., San Diego (nearly intact)
W.B. Woodward Flats, 7th bet. Broadway & C St., San Diego (demolished)
Julius Wangenheim Res. (3-31-04 – 10-6-04), 148 W. Juniper, San Diego (demolished)
E. Milton Barber Res. (9-21-04 – 12-6-04), 108 W. Robinson, San Diego (remodeled)
George W. Marston Res. (9-21-04 – 7-25-06), 3525 7th Ave., San Diego (intact)
San Diego First Church of Christ Scientist (11-5-04 – 9-14-06), S.E. cor. 3rd & Ash, San Diego (enlarged and remodeled)
1905? Mrs. Bertha B. Mitchell Res., 2720 4th Ave., San Diego (remodeled and enlarged for Elks Club)
1905 Pickwick Theatre (for Louis Wilde), 1029 4th Ave., San Diego (demolished)
Charles P. Douglas Res., 202 Nutmeg, San Diego (demolished)
Charles Fox Res., 3100 Brant St., San Diego (altered but nearly intact)
Alice Lee Res. #1, 3578 7th Ave., San Diego (nearly intact) Alice Lee Res. #2, 3353 Albatross, San Diego (intact)
San Diego First Methodist Episcopal Church (8-30-05 – 12-26-06), N.W. cor. 9th 8 C St., San Diego (demolished)
Ellen Browning Scripps (several projects through 1913), 700 Prospect, La Jolla (some are still standing)
Katherine Teats Res. #1 (11-13-05) 3560 7th Ave., San Diego (enlarged by L. Gill)
1906 Charles L. Tutt Res., 1007 Ocean Blvd., Coronado (remodeled)
Frederick R. Burnham Res., 3565 7th Ave., San Diego (nearly intact)
Mary Cossitt Res #4 (8-10-06 – 6-5-16), 3526 7th Ave., San Diego (intact)
Alice Lee Res. #3, 3574 7th Ave., San Diego (enlarged but intact)
St. Paul’s Rectory, 408 Nutmeg St., San Diego (greatly enlarged and remodeled)
Partnership with Hebbard ends
1907 George Hawley Res., 4744 Panorama Dr., San Diego (intact)
Virginia Scripps (alterations), 635 Prospect, La Jolla
Partnership with Frank Mead begins
Melville Klauber Res. (5-3-07 – 12-11-08), 3060 6th Ave., San Diego (intact)
Wheeler J. Bailey Res. (6-25-07 – 6-27-07), 7964 Princess, La Jolla (enlarged but intact)
Russell C. Allen Res. (11-14-07 – 11-16-07), 4094 Old Orchard Ln., Bonita (intact)
Partnership with Frank Mead ends
E. F. Chase Res., 205 Laurel St., San Diego (intact)
1908 Wilson-Acton Hotel (1-2-08), 1116 Prospect, La Jolla (remodeled and enlarged into La Valencia)
Bishop’s Day School, 3012 1 st Ave., San Diego (some additions)
Annie B. Darst Res., 502 Kalmia, San Diego (demolished)
George D. Easton Res., 3353 2nd Ave., San Diego (intact)
Dr. H. Nevill Goff Res., 3580 5th Ave., San Diego (demolished)
St. James Chapel, S.W. cor Draper & Genter, La Jolla (moved but nearly intact)
H. Newell Webster Res. (7-21-OB – 7-29-08), 1516 7th Ave., San Diego (demolished)
Sherwood Wheaton Res. (9-3-08 – 9-12-08), 3102 6th Ave., San Diego (intact)
Hugo Klauber Res., 2626 6th Ave., San Diego (completely remodeled)
Biological Station (11-30-08-2-11-10), Scripps Institution of Oceanography (Tower gone, lab to be restored)
Annie B. Darst Flats (12-4-08 – 6-22-09), 2266 5th Ave., San Diego (intact)
J.P. Christensen Flats (12-9-08 – 12-12-08), 312 22nd St., San Diego (intact)
Holly Sefton Memorial Hospital (12-31-08-8-12-09), just east of Balboa Stadium, Balboa Park, San Diego (demolished)
1909 Arthur Marston Res. (4-7-09 – 11-22-09), 3575 7th Ave., San Diego (enlarged by L. Gill)
San Diego First Church of Christ Scientist (4-15-09-11-23-09), S.W. cor. 2nd & Laurel, San Diego (completely remodeled)
E. Milton Barber Res. (7-8-09 – 8-9-09), 3934 3rd Ave., San Diego (remodeled)
H.P. Thurston Res. (11-1-09 – 1-18-10), Point Loma
Bentham Hall & Chapel, Bishop’s School, 7607 La Jolla Blvd., La Jolla (chapel remodeled, otherwise intact)
1910 Electric Fountain (2-7-10 – 11-22-10), Horton Plaza, San Diego (somewhat restored)
Percival Thompson Res. (4-4-10-8-10-11), 1156 Isabella Ave., Coronado (intact)
C.L. Gorham Res. (6-21-10-2-3-11), S.W. cor. 6th & Olive, San Diego (demolished)
National City High School (additions) (6-31-10-8-16-11), 10th & F Aves., National City (demolished)
San Diego Country Club (8-5-10 – 9-7-10), 1740 Upas St., San Diego (demolished)
Cottage & pottery plant (Valentien/Sefton Pottery) (10-28-10-3-2-11), N.E. cor. Texas & University, San Diego (demolished)
Scripps Hall, Bishop’s School, 7607 La Jolla Blvd., La Jolla (intact)
Barker Res. (ca. 1910), probably never built
Mary Cossitt Res. #’s 5, 6, 7, 8, 3729, 3735, 3749, 3757 8th Ave., (3757 intact, others remodeled)
G. Taylor Fulford Res., 3500 7th Ave., San Diego (demolished)
1911 Rafaelle Lorini (gate for residence) (1-9-11), 1517 Inez Pl., Coronado (intact)
Katherine Teats Res. #2 (1-11-11 – 1-9-13), 3415 Alabatross, San Diego (intact)
Henry H. Timken Res. (1-25-11 – 3-1-19), 335 Walnut, San Diego (demolished)
Marion Olmstead Res. (4-19-11 -5-1-11), San Diego (not known if built)
Alice Lee Res. # (5-5-11 – 5-12-11), 3367 Albatross, San Diego (intact)
Residence, 3404 Front St., San Diego (intact) Cottage, 3506 Albatross, San Diego (greatly remodeled)
Administration Bldg. (attributed), Balboa Park, San Diego (intact)
Peru Rucker Res., 3130 6th Ave., San Diego (intact)
1912 Frank C. O’Kelly Res., S.E. cor. 1st & Quince, San Diego (not known if built)
La Jolla Woman’s Club (2-10-12 – 11-20-14), 715 Silverado, La Jolla (intact)
Frank J. Belcher, Jr. Res. (5-4-12 – 1-28-13), 241 W. Kalmia, San Diego (demolished)
Katherine Teats Res. #3 (8-22-12 – 10-22-12), 3407 Albatross, San Diego (intact)
1913 George Kautz Res., 7753 Draper, La Jolla (intact)
1914 Partnership with Louis Gill begins
Scripps Playground (5-27-14 – 6-20-16), 615 Prospect, La Jolla (intact)
1915 Ellen B. Scripps Res. (9-17-15 – 1-15-16), 700 Prospect, La Jolla (completely remodeled)
1918 Gillman Hall, Bishop’s School, 7607 La Jolla Blvd., La Jolla (intact)
St. James-by-the-Sea Rectory, 743 Prospect, La Jolla (completely remodeled)
1919 Louis J. Wilde Flats (7-12-19-7-28-19), D & Palm, Coronado (nearly intact)
Partnership with Louis Gill ends
1927 Coronado First Church of Christ Scientist (9-27 – 4-12-28), cor. 8th & C, Coronado (intact)
1929 Associated with John Siebert on occasional projects through 1935
South Bay Union School District, designs for several schools
Oceanside City Plan: erected: City Hall, Fire & Police Station, projected: Auditorium, Recreation Palace, Swimming Pool
Nevada Street School, Oceanside
1931 Kindergarten, (3-30-31), Division & Center St., Oceanside (intact)
1932 Rancho Barona Chapel (8-32), Barona Indian Reservation, Lakeside
1933 12 Cottages, Barona Indian Reservation, Lakeside
1934 Spanish Village (project), Carlsbad
1935 Swimming Pool (project), Oceanside Veteran’s Memorial Bldg. (project), San Diego
Following is a list of some of Gill’s experimental cottages:
ca. 1902 3733 Robinson Mews, San Diego (intact?)
1908 3735 Robinson Mews, San Diego (large addition)
ca. 1902 *3703 Albatross, San Diego (intact)
ca. 1906 *3709 Albatross, San Diego (slighty remodeled)
ca. 1908 *3719 Albatross, San Diego (remodeled as 3721?)
1906 3776 Front, San Diego (somewhat restored)
ca. 1906 *S.W. cor. 25th & L, San Diego (poor condition)
ca. 1908 2488 L St., San Diego (remodeled)
ca. 1908 2119 Albatross, San Diego (nearly intact)
ca. 1908 2123 Albatross, San Diego (intact)
ca. 1908 220 W. Hawthorne, San Diego (intact)
* houses lived in by Gill