The Journal of San Diego History
Spring 1980, Volume 26, Number 2
Thomas L. Scharf, Managing Editor
Original Articles
- “Phoenix” Revisited: Another Look At George Horatio Derby
- By Canice G. Ciruzzi
- La Jolla Legacy
- By Nan Cuthbert
- San Diego’s Open Forum — Birth and Death
- By Trudie Casper
- The Voting Women of San Diego, 1920
- By Jean M. Smith
Book Reviews
- Spanish and Mexican Records of the American Southwest
- By Henry Putney Beers
- So Far Disordered in Mind: Insanity in California, 1870-1930
- By Richard W. Fox
- Texas Annexation and the Mexican War: A Political Study of the Old Northwest
- By Norman E. Tutorow
- Observations in Lower California
- By Johann Jakob Baegert, S.J.
- The Horse Soldier 1776-1943: The United States Cavalryman: His Uniforms, Arms, Accoutrements, and Equipments
- By Randy Steffen
- The March Inland: Origins of the ILWU Warehouse Division, 1934-1938
- By Harvey Schwartz
Front Cover image
A young girl examines a piece of seaweed on a La Jolla beach about 1888. The photograph is by F. Elliot Patterson who took many such “scenics” of La Jolla during the latter part of the nineteenth century. The girl in this view may be his daughter Amy. La Jolla has long been regarded as a special place of beauty by many San Diego residents and year-round tourists. Beginning on page 90 Nan Cuthbert offers an unusual look at this coastal community through the impressions of newspaper writers and photographers over a period of some fifty years.
This issue of the The Journal of San Diego History was scanned and proofread by volunteer Bill Parsons