The Journal of San Diego History
Fall 1982, Volume 28, Number 4
Thomas Scharf, Managing Editor

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Abe Tokunosuke

Over the years Abe Tokunosuke had gained the support of the major canneries in San Diego. He is shown here between Mr. Fukuno, one of his employees, and Mr. Johnson, a vice president of the Westgate Cannery.

tuna boats

Part of Abe’s fleet of tuna boats as seen from Sampson Street.

Abe, Miura and Aizumi

In the Southern Commercial Company offices, are (left to right) Abe, Miura and Aizumi.

The Santa Fe Wharf, located at the foot of Market Street, was the headquarters for Abe’s operation until pressure from local naval authorities forced the company to move down the bay.

Japanese fishermen using the bamboo pole. This technique rapidly became universally accepted by the tuna men on the west coast.

Defending Abe before the California legislature was Walter Tsukamoto, a young Nisei attorney who later joined the U.S. Army, rising to the rank of colonel.

T. Abe,

T. Abe, pioneer in the establishment of San Diego’s tuna industry, at work in his office about 1938.

launching of one of the world's largest tuna clippers in July 1936

The launching of one of the world’s largest tuna clippers in July 1936. Seen on the left are the proud new owners: Miura, Aizume, and the company’s chief officer Abe.

THE PHOTOGRAPHS are courtesy of the author.