The Journal of San Diego History
Winter 1983, Volume 29, Number 1
Thomas L. Scharf, Managing Editor

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Don José Antonio Aguirre  
Page 58. Don José Antonio Aguirre (1799-1860) and his second wife.

Doña Rosario Estudillo Aguirre  
Page 58. Doña Rosario Estudillo Aguirre (1828-1895). This portrait of Dona Rosario was painted by San Francisco artist Leonardo Barbieri.


José Antonio Aguirre    Dolores Aguirre
Miguel Aguirre    Casa de Aguirre

Page 61. Some of the Aguirre children: José Antonio (top left), Miguel (lower left), and Dolores (top right). Below right is Casa de Aguirre as it once stood in San Diego’s Old Town.


THE PHOTOGRAPHS are courtesy of the author and the Aguirre Family.