The Journal of San Diego History
Fall 1984, Volume 30, Number 4
Thomas L. Scarf, Managing Editor
Page 253. George White Marston arrived in San Diego as a young man on October 23, 1870 to begin a business life that was to last over seventy-three years.
Page 257. The Marston Company Store at Fifth and F in San Diego.
Page 257. The Marston Company window display is from a later store (c. 1908) which was built on the southwest corner of Fifth and C.
Page 261. The Junípero Serra Museum, together with Presidio Park, was Marston’s gift to San Diego.
Page 260. Marston is seen at the Junípero Serra Museum’s dedication in 1929.
Page 265. Marston (lower left) in Pomona, California, October 14, 1937 during the Plaque Ceremony for Pomona College (note inscription on plaque).
Page 265. Always the gallant gentleman, Marston visits with friends at Pomona College, where he served for many years as a Trustee.
Page 266. Marston at a Pomona College dinner (1938) with Margaret “Peg” Maple (center) and President Charles K. Edmunds (right) of Pomona College.
Page 269. Charles K. Edmunds (far right) with Marston (far left) and another gentleman at Pomona College in 1937. Marston was one of the College’s major benefactors.
THE PHOTOGRAPHS on pages 253, 257, 260 and 261 are from the San Diego Historical Society’s Title Insurance and Trust Collection. All others are courtesy of Pomona College.