The Journal of San Diego History
Fall 1986, Volume 32, Number 4
Thomas L. Scharf, Editor
Main Articles
- Mathias F. Heller — The Cash Grocer
- By Robert H. Forward
- George White Marston and Conservative Reform in San Diego
- By Gregg R. Hennessey
- San Diego County’s Water Crusader, Fred A Heilbron
- By Robert E. Melbourne
Book Reviews
- To the Halls of the Montezumas: The Mexican War in American Imagination.
- By Robert W. Johannsen. Reviewed by Dennis E. Berge.
- Captain Money and the Golden Girl: The J. David Affair.
- By Donald Bauder. Reviewed by Harry McDean.
- Crabgrass Frontier: The Suburbanization of the United States.
- By Kenneth T. Jackson. Reviewed by Jack D. Elenbaas.
- The West Transformed: The Impact of the Second World War.
- By Gerald D. Nash. Reviewed by Steven E. Schoenherr.
- Early California Oil: A Photographic History, 1865-1940. Number Four, The Montague History of Oil Series.
- By Kenny A. Franks and Paul F. Lambert. Reviewed by Lawrence B. de Graaf.
- Museums for a New Century: A Report of the Commission on Museums for a New Century.
- Reviewed by Vincent Moses.
Book Reviews
- The America’s First Academic Library: Santa Cruz de Tlatelolco.
- By W. Michael Mathes.
- The Art of California: Selected Works from the Collection of the Oakland Museum.
- Edited by Christina Orr-Cahall.
- The Writing of American History.
- By Michael Kraus and David D. Joyce.
- Oral History Collection on the Performing Arts.
- Dallas: Southern Methodist University.
- Western Americana in the California State Library.
- Edited by Gary E. Strong and Gary F. Kurutz.
- United States Navy and Marine Corps Bases, Domestic.
- Edited by Paolo E. Coletta.