The Journal of San Diego History
Spring 1991, Volume 37, Number 2
Richard W. Crawford, Editor
Book Notes
Reviewed by Raymond Starr, San Diego State University
United States Naval Aviation, 1910-1980.
Third edition. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1981. Photographs. Maps. Indexes. 547 pages.
United States Naval Aviation is the third edition of a reference book prepared by order of the Deputy Chief of Naval Operations and the Naval Air Systems Command. The book is divided into about 350 pages of “narrative,” and about 150 pages of appendices which cover such things as popular names of navy aircraft, navy helicopters, ships named for navy aviators. There is an index by day, and another by subject. This is a reference book and should not be considered anything else. The long “narrative” is not really a narrative which tells a story and has a point to make; it is, in fact, merely a chronology of events, by year, month, and day. Although there are a number of San Diego references, there are not as many as you would expect considering the importance of naval aviation in and to San Diego.