The Journal of San Diego History
Summer 2001, Volume 47, Number 3
Gregg Hennessey, Editor
Bonnet, Leon Durand (1868-1936)
Braun, Maurice (1877-1941)
Clark, Alson Skinner (1876-1949)
Farnham, Ammi Merchant (1846-1922)
Fries, Charles Arthur (1854-1940)
Heath, Frank L. (1857-1921)
Hill, Thomas (1829-1908)
Klauber, Alice Ellen (1871-1951)
Mitchell, Alfred R. (1888-1972)
Pohl, Ernest Henry (1874-1956)
Reiffel, Charles (1862-1942)
Schneider, Otto Henry (1865-1950)
Schneider, Rose (1895-1976)
Spangenberg, George (1907-1964)
Torrey, Elliot Bouton (1867-1949)
Verhaeren, Carolus Constantinius (1908-1956)
Williams, Mary Belle (1873-1943)
These biographies were compiled and published by Edan Milton Hughes in Artists in California 1786-1940, 2nd edition. The Society thanks Mr. Hughes for allowing us to re-print this information.
Key to General Abbreviations:
AA Art Association (preceded by name of the city)
AIC Art Institute of Chicago
ASL Art Students League
CGA Corcoran Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C.
FA Fine Arts
GGIE Golden Gate International Exposition of 1939-40
LA Los Angeles
LACMA Los Angeles County Museum of Art
NAD National Academy of Design, New York
NYC New York City
PAFA Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts
PM Printmakers
PPIE Panama-Pacific International Exposition of 1915
SF San Francisco
SW Southwest
UC University of California
Source Abbreviations:
AAA American Art Annual
AAW Artists of the American West (Doris Dawdy)
Ben Bénézit
Ber Art in California (R.L. Bernier, 1916)
CA&A California Arts and Architecture list, 1932
CAR California Art Research
DR Death Record
Fld Dictionary of American Painters, Engravers & Sculptors (Fielding)
G&W New York Historical Society’s Dictionary of Artist in America (Groce & Wallace)
H&I History & Ideas of American Art (Neuhaus)
Har American Western Art (Harmsen)
Mal Index of Artist (Daniel Mallett)
PAP Plein Air Painters (Ruth Westphal)
Sam Artists of the American West (Samuels)
SCA Southern California Artist (Nancy Moure)
WWA Who’s Who in America
WWAA Who’s Who in American Art
WWC Who’s Who in California
WWPC Who’s Who on the Pacific Coast
WWWA Who Was Who in America