Makers of San Diego History celebrating the history & heritage of San Diego’s Jewish Community
Makers of San Diego History Annual Gala
honoring the Jewish Community of San Diego
Saturday, June 10, 2017
Schedule of Events
6 – 10PM
Reception, Dinner and Program at the
Hyatt Regency, La Jolla at Aventine
Making history fun
June 18, 2017, Story & Photos by Vincent Andrunas
History Detective tells SDHC Gala of her adventures
June 11, 2017, By Donald H. Harrison, San DIego Jewish World
Click links to see details about previous Makers events!
2017 History & Heritage of San Diego’s Jewish Community
2016 100th Year of the San Diego Zoo and Zoological Society
2015 Centurions of San Diego
2014 U.S. Military in San Diego and Walter J. Zable
2013 The Craft Brew Industry
2012 The Tuna Industry 2011 Sol Price
2010 Qualcomm, Inc.
2008 Transformation of Naval Training Center into Liberty Station: Wayne Donaldson, Jack Ensch, Susan Golding, Wayne Raffesberger and Mike Stepner
2007 Daniel J Tucker, Sycuan Band of the Kumeyaay Nation and Terry Cooper, Las Patronas
2005 Fred Lewis, Heart of San Diego
2003 Pauline des Granges, The Junior League of San Diego, The Evans Family and The Hom Family
2002 Honorable Lionel Van Deerlin, Honorable Leon Williams, Mary and Dallas Clark, and Robert M. Witty, Retiring Executive Director
2001 Philip Klauber, Dorothy Smith, Gustavo Romero, The Burnham Family
Saturday, June 10, 2017
On June 10th, 2017 the San Diego History Center will host our annual gala at the Hyatt Regency La Jolla at Aventine.
The San Diego History Center’s annual gala, The Makers of San Diego History, honors the institutions, communities, and people who have made history in their own time. This year we will be honoring the Jewish community in San Diego and celebrating their uniqueness and vast contributions to the place we all call home. Please join us for this festive evening with Master of Ceremonies, Dan Cohen, Morning Anchor, KFMB-TV, CBS8.
The event will consist of a reception, dinner, & program.
- Enjoy cocktails, delicious food and live music by local klezmer band, Hot Pstromi
- Catch the exclusive advanced preview of the documentary film To the Ends of the World: The Jews of San Diego
- Hear special guest and curator Joellyn Zollman, Ph.D., who will share behind the scenes information and insights on our marquee exhibition, Celebrate San Diego! The History & Heritage of San Diego’s Jewish Community
New this year, “Raise the Paddle” to benefit our education program and the production of the documentary film, To the Ends of the World: The Jews of San Diego.
Sponsorship Opportunities
If you are unable to attend, please consider a 100% tax-deductible sponsorship and receive recognition at event. Sponsorship benefits available.
- $15,000 Dinner
- $10,000 Reception
- $5,000 Dessert or Audio/Visual (2 options)
- $2,500 Program Printing or Décor (2 options)
- $1,800 Entertainment, Photography or Volunteer Meals (3 options)
- $1,000 Friend
- $500 Contributor
For more information, please contact Chief Development Officer Lisa Culver (619) 232-6203 ext. 148.
Planning Committee
Debby Cushman Parrish*, Gala Chair, Diane Benaroya, Terri Bignell, Britny Camacho, Lisa Culver, Sandy McIsaac, Juliet Zimmer
Honorary Committee
Robert F. Adelizzi*, Frank Alessi*, Charles Bieler*, Richard Bregante*, Raymond Carpenter*, Brian Chambers*, Joe Craver*, Marjorie & Stephen Cushman, Laura Galinson & Jody Diamond, Dan Eaton*, Phyllis and Daniel Epstein, Jane & Thompson* Fetter, Jim Fitzpatrick*, J. Kevin Heinly*, Gayle Hom*, Robert A. Kittle*, Brian Mooney*, John Morrell*, Sandy Perlatti, Hal Sadler*, Hon. Lynn Schenk, Ellis C. Smith*, Karen & Jeff Silberman, Mary Walshok, Ph.D., Margie* & John H. Warner, Jr,. Allan Wasserman*, Sharon & David Wax, Randi & Charles Wax, Bob Watkins*, Stephen B. Williams*, Gayle & Hon. Pete Wilson, Joellyn Zollman, Ph.D
The San Diego History Center thanks the following
Exhibition and Event Sponsors for their support

Event Gallery
Scroll through photos of this year’s Makers of San Diego History celebrating the history and heritage of San Diego’s Jewish community.
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