The Explorers, 1492-1774

TRANSLATION: Father Ascension’s Account of the Voyage of Sebastian Vizcaino

Title page:

An account of the expedition for the discovery of the Californias which General Sebastian Vizcaino carried into effect in the year 1602 by order of His Excellency the Senor Conde de Monterey, the viceroy of New Spain, written by the reverend father, Fray Antonio de la Ascension of the Barefoot Order of Nuestra Senora del Carmen, one of the three friars who went on the journey.

Translated by Henry R. Wagner in “Spanish Voyages to the Northwest Coast in the Sixteenth Century,” Calif. Historical Society Quarterly, Vol. III – 295.

[These the Indians made, as if calling to the ships] to come close to their country, which showed indications of being good, fertile and level and was of pleasing aspect. Following the land they reached four small islands, two shaped like sugar loaves and the other two somewhat larger. These were named the “Cuatro Coronados.” To the north of them in the mainland there is a large extended ensenada, all surrounded by hills which form a very fine port. This was named “San Diego.” In this the fleet entered November 10, on the eve of San Martin’s day, at seven o’clock at night.

The following morning the General ordered some men to go and look over a little hill which protected the port from the northwest wind. Captains Alarcon [and Peguero and Father Antonio went etc.].

Translated by Henry R. Wagner, in “Spanish Voyages to the Northwest Coast in the 16th Century,” California Historical Society Quarterly, Vol. VII, 345-346.