The Journal of San Diego History
October 1967, Volume 13, Number 4
January 1968, Volume 14, Number 1
Hal Enger, Director of Publications
Images from this Issue
Pages 1-20 | Pages 21-40 | Pages 41-60 | Pages 61-73
Page 3. [James Mills]
Page 4. “All the men go naked and most of them are painted.” A California Indian dance, San Luis Rey, about 1800.
Page 5. Tribal divisions of Southern California.
Page 5. Linguistic divisions, Southern California.
Page 6. Grinding acorn meal. A modern-day Indian woman gives a demonstration of the technique and tools employed by her forebears for more than two hundred years.
Page 6. Sketch of a Digueño village, by Wm. Crocker.
Page 7. Typical Indian brush hut.
Page 8. Diegueño image mask, female. Vertical lines tattooed on the feminine chin were thought beautifying.
Page 8. Pablo Tac, a Luiseño, drew this sketch of Indian dancers at San Luis Rey, about 1835.
Page 9. A Digueño Shaman or practitioner, with the tools of his trade.
Page 10. Juan Rodriguez Cabrillo.
Page 11. Sir Francis Drake claimed Northern California for England in 1579.
Page 12. Typical galleon used by the Spanish in the Manila trade and elsewhere on the high seas in the 17th Century.
Page 12. San Diego de Alcala, O.F.M., as pictured in religious art.
Page 12. Franciscan coat of arms, a prominent feature of the decor of the early California missions.
Page 13. Sebastían Vizcaíno “rediscovered” and helped name San Diego in 1602.
Page 14. The expeditions of 1769. Map shows routes of the San Carlos and San Antonio, and the land route followed by Junipero Serra from Loreto. Courtesy Ben F. Dixon.
Page 15. Father President, Jurnípero Serra.
Page 16. California’s first martyr, Father Luis Jayme, being killed by Indians. Reproduction of an old drawing.
Page 16. Mission San Diego.
Page 17. Facsimile of title page of Baptismal Register, Mission San Diego.
Page 18. Ground plan of Mission San Diego.
Page 18. The brig “Lelia Byrd” as it may have appeared at the time of the “battle of San Diego.” She was of about 150 tons, the size of some of the tuna boats that today make San Diego their home port. Sketch reproduced from an article by Jerry MacMullen, “Action at Ballast Point,” which appeared in Westways Magazine, November, 1939.
Page 19. El Camino Real. Map of California’s mission trails.
Page 20. Santa Ysabel Mission, established in 1818.