The Journal of San Diego History
October 1967, Volume 13, Number 4
January 1968, Volume 14, Number 1
Hal Enger, Director of Publications
Images from this Issue
Pages 1-20 | Pages 21-40 | Pages 41-60 | Pages 61-73
Page 41. Capt. John Augustus Sutter, founder of Sutter’s Fort, is remembered chiefly as the one who set off the storied Gold Rush. His role in the transition of California from Mexican to American is less widely known but possibly of greater significance than his discovery of gold.
Page 41. Peter H. Burnett, first elected Governor of American California.
Page 42. William Heath “Kanaka” Davis, who with A.B. Gray, Miguel de Pedrorena, Jose Aguirre and William Ferrell, made the first attempt to relocate San Diego from Old Town to Downtown.
Page 42. Ephraim W. Morse, early San Diego merchant, Associate Justice, County Treasurer, County School Superintendent, and City Treasurer. He operated successful business ventures in Old Town for many years.
Page 43. Ruins of Haraszthy’s jail, which could well have served as the source for the adage that “stone walls do not a prison make.”
Page 44. Great Overland Mail Route, including the California Butterfield State Stations. The San Antonio and San Diego line diverged from the main route at Warner’s Ranch for the run down to San Diego.
Page 44. Vallecito Stage Station. It was built about 1851 by James R. Lassiter.
Page 45. John Judson Ames, publisher of San Diego’s first newspaper, the Herald.
Page 45. “John Phoenix,” alias Lt. George Horatio Derby, San Diego’s first and greatest humorist. His writings, crackling with wit and satire, are as amusing and absorbing today as when they were first published over a hundred years ago. Photo copied from a daguerrotype owned by Derby’s great-granddaughter, Mrs. Helen Gray, in 1952.
Page 46. John G. Capron, who established stage and mail lines to Los Angeles and Tucson in the late 1860’s.
Page 46. Advertisement for J. G. Capron’s stage service between San Diego and Fort Yuma. The stage schedule was dependent on steamer arrivals.
Page 46. “The town should be down by the wharf.” Alonzo E. Horton’s conviction on this point, and his energy in promoting the idea, were the determining factors in the location of Downtown San Diego.
Page 47. Alonzo E. Horton.
Page 47. Chalmers Scott, County Clerk, sealed the fate of Old Town when he moved the county records from Whaley House to Horton Hall, in 1871.
Page 48. Horton House, the leading hostelry of downtown San Diego in the Horton Era.
Page 48. Julian City, center of the San Diego County “gold rush” in the 1870’s.
Page 49. Col. Thomas A. Scott, whose plan to extend the Texas and Pacific Railroad to San Diego as its western terminus, led to a “boom” and to a worse “bust” when the plan failed.
Page 49. Frank Kimball led the group of businessmen who sold the Santa Fe Railway on the idea of making its western terminus San Diego instead of Guaymas. This plan, too, ended in frustration when the railroad reneged on its promise and went to Los Angeles instead.
Page 50. A California Southern excursion train from San Diego to Temecula, 1883.
Page 51. Looking east from Front and D (Broadway) in 1888. Right center, Horton House.
Page 51. Louis Agassiz, the great naturalist, called San Diego “…one of the most favored spots on earth…”
Page 52. Horse car lines began operations in 1886. This photo about 1889 is looking east at4th and H Streets. Courtesy Title Insurance.
Page 52. Sweetwater Dam, built in 1888, was an engineering wonder of the day. It was severely damaged in the 1916 “Hatfield’s Flood,” and was repaired and enlarged in 1917.
Page 53. John D. Spreckels came to Son Diego in 1887. His family was intimately associated with the commercial development of the city during the next several decades.
Page 54. Los Coches Trestle, one of the most spectacular sights along the San Diego Flume, was 65 feet high and 1,774 feet long. The Flume, completed in February, 1889, solved San Diego’s water supply problem for the half century following.
Page 55. Parts of downtown San Diego in 1890 still bore the characteristic appearance of the “Wild West.”
Page 55. Cable cars were tried unsuccessfully in San Diego. Sixth Avenue below C Street, June 7, 1890.